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  • Keeping children safe online

    Fri 01 Mar 2019

    There has been a lot of press coverage recently of potential dangers of some games and ‘pop-ups’ appearing on a variety of social media platforms e.g. YouTube, Facebook, WhatsApp and possibly others.

    Below is a link to an online safety guide for parents, there is also additional advice and support offered via links of the school website.

    Please can we encourage you all to be increasingly vigilant when your children are using computers and online gaming machines, many of the websites and apps the children are accessing have suggested age restrictions, usually an age above the age of all of the children at St Anne’s and we would always encourage to you to maintain the highest level of parental restrictions on all internet enabled technology and monitor your children’s use. If you have any concerns about your child or others please do not hesitate to contact the school or if we can offer any further help or support.