The main aim of the PTA (Parent Teacher Association) is to organise fundraising events throughout the school year.
Money raised contributes towards ‘extras’ for the children. Joining the PTA is a great way for parents to be involved in the life of the school and provides another dimension to being a St Anne’s Primary School parent.
This year we’ve been raising money for extra learning resources in classrooms and in school experiences for the children. We continue fund raise to ensure the continuation and use of the fantastic school swimming pool.
As parents of the school you are automatically members of the Parent Teacher Association. There is an open invitation to all parents to join in school activities and fund-raising events to work alongside staff in providing new opportunities and resources for our children’s education.
To find out more about becoming involved, come along to the Annual General Meeting or the speak to any of the Committee Members.
Parents are all members of the PTA. Please come along and support your PTA.
The next PTA meeting will be held on Friday 4th October at 1.30pm