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St Anne's CE VC Primary School Respect Responsibility Friendship Excellence

Year 1

Welcome to Year 1 - Term 6!


Meet the Team:


Class 3: Mrs Pearce, Mrs Maydew, Mrs Gotts

Class 4: Miss Palma, Mrs Mills


Year One Reading Assistant: Ms Fort



Swimming will take place every Monday.
PE is every Thursday.

Class 3 have Forest School sessions on Tuesdays - 4th, 11th and 18th June.

Class 4 have Forest School sessions on Thursdays - 6th, 13th and 20th June.


Phonics Screening Check takes place the week of the 10th June. 

Sports Day is on Wednesday 26th June.

Year One are going on a trip to Blaise Castle on Thursday 11th July - more information to follow.


Other Information:

Milk is still available in Year 1. It is ordered and paid for through the milk service (see the office for details).

Free fruit is provided for all children, which they enjoy after morning break.

Please label all personal belonging e.g. school jumpers


