PE Days:
PE for Class 3 and Class 4 will be on Monday and Thursday. Please come to school wearing correct PE kit (no football kits, bright clothing, branded sportswear) with long hair tied back and earrings removed.
The children will need:
Swimming costume (no bikinis please) or swimming trunks/shorts
Hair MUST be tied up.
Sun cream to be applied.
Class 3 and 4 have had a busy week swimming. The children have loved being in the water and it has been great to see their confidence build over the three days.
Our second swimming session will be in the summer term.
Forest School:
Term 1:
Class 3:
Tuesday 3rd Oct
Thursday 12th Oct
Tuesday 17th Oct
Thursday 2nd November
Class 4:
Thursday 5th Oct
Tuesday 10th Oct
Thursday 19th Oct
Tuesday 31st Oct
Term 4:
Class 3:
Tuesday 5th March
Tuesday 12th March
Tuesday 19th March
Tuesday 26th March
Class 4:
Thursday 7th March
Thursday 14th March
Thursday 21st March
Thursday 28th March
As our session are in the morning, please come in Forest School clothing including wellies, waterproof coat, warm clothing (must have long sleeves), hat/sun hat as appropriate. Please bring their named uniform in a bag ready to change into after their session.