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St Anne's CE VC Primary School Respect Responsibility Friendship Excellence


Rationale for the teaching of Art and Design

At St Anne’s, we incorporate Art and Design into our broad and balanced curriculum as a way to nurture a holistic educational experience. The skills learned and built upon as part of the art and design curriculum and sequences of learning are instrumental in fostering creativity, honing critical thinking, and promoting problem-solving. Art encourages self-expression and an appreciation for aesthetics, whilst Design equips students with practical problem-solving abilities through hands-on projects. The overarching benefit lies in the development of well-rounded individuals who possess both artistic sensibilities and the practical design skills crucial for success in a dynamic and innovative world.

We believe that a high-quality Art and Design education should engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. As pupils progress, they should be able to think critically and develop a more rigorous understanding of Art and Design. They should also know how Art and Design both reflect and shape our history, and contribute to the culture, creativity and wealth of our nation.


How we teach and learn Art and Design at St Anne’s


In the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) children begin their art journey through exploring and using different materials, tools and techniques. They have daily opportunities through continuous provision, to experiment with colour, design, texture, form and function. We encourage children to follow their own creative interests, enabling them to develop their imagination and to express themselves confidently.


We teach our Art, Design through an Enquiry-Based curriculum which enhances students' learning experiences. Working as artists, the children are encouraged to explore, to be curious, and to delve into artistic processes and design principles through their own inquiries. By posing questions, investigating possibilities, and problem-solving within the realm of art and design, students develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for these subjects. This methodology not only fosters creativity but also nurtures critical thinking skills as students actively participate in shaping their learning journey.


 In year groups, learners investigate the work of specific or famous artists and designers throughout history to build on their knowledge and understanding. They learn about the artists' influences, exploring their methods and techniques and using their work as a stimulus for the pupils to develop personal interpretations. Art is designed to introduce students to the world of artistic expression and creativity. It typically encompasses a variety of activities and lessons that focus on fundamental art concepts such as colour, shape, form, and texture. Through engaging projects, students explore different art mediums, like drawing, painting, and sculpting, allowing them to develop fine motor skills and unleash their imaginative abilities.

Art lessons may be taught weekly or as a block, linked to the term’s Enquiry question.  The teaching of technical skills, ideas and research is recorded in pupil's Art Journals and concludes with a final challenge. Pupils are encouraged to draft, re-work and review their ideas. Art may be photographed, for example large scale outdoor sculpture and playground chalk work and also displayed in galleries.


All lessons start with a warm up; encouraging freedom of movement and expression. Music may be used as a stimulus to encourage creativity. Where appropriate, pupils are given a choice of media and encouraged to try new techniques and resources. Lessons involve educator  input to teach and develop specific skills, which pupils then trial and interpret individually. Self and peer assessment form an important part of the lesson and allow development of appropriate Art and Design vocabulary, as well as identifying strengths and areas for development in their work. A variety of independent, paired and group work is incorporated within the curriculum.


We to further support our enquiry curriculum, we use the Kapow Scheme - which provides our educators with ideas to create learning sequences  which focus on skills. Sequences are easily adaptable and have clear progression, throughout KS1 and KS2 and relevant cross-curricular opportunities.

Integrating art and design through enquiry enhances many aspect of learning: it fosters creativity and innovation; improves critical thinking skills; supports cognitive development; increases students’ engagement; provides cultural awareness; and promotes personal expression and well-being.

Wherever possible, opportunities are created for collaborative work, both between classes and across year groups throughout the school. This may be linked to our enquiry questions or as part of focus weeks or Christmas and end of year shows and productions. We provide opportunities for children to attend Art Clubs, allowing them to learn new skills, as well as developing their creativity. We regularly welcome visitors into our school to run workshops and share their work with pupils. School trips may include visits to Art Galleries and workshops run by local community art projects.


Pupils have the opportunity to see their designs through to print; creating personalised Christmas cards and designs for our School Production programmes.


The teaching and learning of Art and Design, fulfils a valuable part in developing our pupil’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding. Exploring a variety of art styles promotes thoughtful questioning skills and as a highly subjective subject, Art and Design ensures that children learn the importance of everyone being able to share their opinions, as well as considering those of others. Children are given the opportunity to explore art from other cultures, for example African and Aboriginal art, and art linked to Literacy texts covered in English. Key stage 2 pupils may discuss possible religious and political influences within Art and Design, as well as making links with art throughout different periods in history.


How we celebrate our Art and Design learning


Pupils work is recorded in their Art Journal, as an on-going record that travels with them through the school. Art work linked to our Enquiry questions  displayed in the classroom and in corridors around the school. Class and whole school projects are shared with parents and may be exhibited in the hall. 
