This week's learning to learn award for being a web weaving spider goes to James for a fantastic explanation of the Water Cycle. You used your prior knowledge and notes which you made from other sources to write a detailed and formal piece of work. Well done.
Fantastic portrait of the Queen as homework- very creative.
What a fantastic class member helping your peers- well done.
Well done for supporting your peers in maths explaining a problem.
Great addition to the Treasured Reads Scrap Book - Well done it sounds like a good read!
Well done girls- You did a fantastic job of working together like busy bees when editing your work. Keep it up.
You were so amazing with your buddy making Easter cards.
For your fantastic summarising of the book that your are reading with the reading assistant. You remembered a great deal of detail and really brought the text to life.
We enjoyed your song involving positive thoughts. .
What fantastic role models you are to your buddies. Busy Bee Award.
We loved your scrap book entry- it was so creative and has encouraged us all to read. Well done.
Fantastic resilience in maths when attempting tricky questions!
Our class nominated you for your great courage and resilience. Well done.
Your class nominated you for this award for the way that you support everyone and work well with others. Well done!
You had so many fantastic questions and a genuine interest about the causes and impact of WW2. Well done.
Well done - you showed great curiosity and were very inquisitive about WW2. Keep it up!