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Transition Activities

I hope you have all had a wonderful Term 6 so far.

This term, the teachers have been very busy thinking about ways to make sure you have a really great start back to school when it is time for you to return. We have already come up with lots of fun topics that we can learn about and great books we can read together. There are so many things that we can look forward to doing! Over the next few days, why not start thinking about some of the things you really like about school and that you are excited to do when you return. 

If you are moving up to year 7, maybe you could think about some of things you saw when you looked round your secondary school on the open day!

You may like to complete the rest of this booklet as you find out more about your new class for September.

If you are moving up to year 7, many secondary schools are now posting transition information, including virtual tours, on their website. Have a look and see if you can find out any information about your secondary school from their website.