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St Anne's CE VC Primary School Respect Responsibility Friendship Excellence


The Governing Body is responsible for ensuring that the school provides the best education possible for all the children in a safe, happy and secure environment. We oversee school activity at a strategic level and work with Mrs Parfitt and her leadership team to set the direction of the school and to identify how the school will develop and improve.


Our main responsibilities are:

  • Monitoring the performance and progress of all our children
  • Working with the staff to help them teach and care for every child
  • Deciding on how the resources of the school are best used
  • Planning ahead so that the performance of every child and our school continues to improve


We meet as a Full Governing Body every term and we also have an Inclusion Committee which oversees matters relating to Special Educational Needs and Disability, reporting back to the Full Governing Body. However, we do tend to meet more frequently, and many of our governors spend time working with the staff on their visits to understand more about the day to day life of our school. 

St Anne's Governor Statutory Information 2023-2024

St Anne's Governor Statutory Attendance Information 2023-2024

St Anne's Governor Statutory Information 2022-2023

St Anne's Governor Statutory Attendance Information 2022-2023

Meet The Governors


Claire Parfitt - Headteacher - Ex-Officio Member  


Rev Bruce Goodwin – Ex-Officio Member - Foundation Governor 

I am the Vicar of St Anne’s Church. I came to Oldland in September 2017 from Gloucester Diocese. I was previously the Senior Chaplain at the University of Gloucestershire in Cheltenham and Gloucester. I have been married for 25 years and have two children who are now at University. Obviously as St Anne’s School is a Church of England school, it is part of my responsibility to be a Governor. However, as a former Secondary School teacher, I feel a particular affinity for educational institutions. I have a specific interest in the Religious Education of children and regularly take assemblies in school. I very much want to support Mrs Parfitt and I am glad to be a Governor of such a great school. My Governor link subject is RE/Collective Worship.


Rebecca Clothier – Staff Governor 


Pam Booth - Co-Opted Governor 


David Kenny – Parent Governor, Chair of the Inclusion Committee


Jodie Mawer – Parent Governor 

I am married Mum of four children. I became a Parent Governor in January 2017. I wanted to become a Governor to be more involved in the running of the school my children attend and help maintain the high standard of learning and positive day to day experience that the children receive. I have worked in a national law firm for twenty years and hope to draw on my experience of being a quality auditor and compliance officer in my role as a Governor. I am also Chair of Fundraising for Oldland Pre-School and run an aspiring business making celebration cakes.


Stephen Tresise – Foundation Governor 

I became a Foundation Governor in 2011, a member of St Anne’s Church on the school governing body. I have lived locally and been a member of St Anne’s Church since childhood. I am married with two children, who both thrived at St Anne’s school from Reception to Year 6. I find my role as a governor extremely rewarding and enjoy the many aspects of working with Mrs Parfitt, the staff and fellow governors of the school, for the good of all the children. We are blessed with a fantastic school thanks to the hard working attitude of the staff and children. I am committed to promote Christian values and maintaining the Christian distinctiveness of the school. I am the subject link governor for Science and have an active role monitoring Data and performance management.


Richard Bryant - Foundation Governor - awaiting information


Helene Cook – LA Governor -  Vice Chair of Governors  

As a mum of 2 children, I wanted to become a Parent Governor at St Anne’s because I believe passionately in education (I currently work in education with adults) and I want every child at the school to be able to meet his or her potential. I like that I can help or assist in making positive differences in the school. I also enjoy gaining knowledge about the education system and being part of it. Being part of a team of people working closely with Mrs Parfitt to make key decisions is vital to the successful running of St Anne’s and it is such a meaningful role. By being involved in making decisions which directly affect the education and well-being of the children it will help to improve standards throughout the school and your child’s education.


Mark Shere – Co-Opted Governor - Chair of Governors 

 I first became a Parent Governor in July 2012 after a vacancy was advertised in the weekly newsletter. Both my children are at St Anne’s and it was clear from the first year at that everyone in the school was totally committed to providing a happy environment for children to learn and develop important life skills.  Being a Governor allows me to help and support the school for the good of all the children at St Anne’s now and in the future.  With ever increasing pressures and constraints placed upon schools it is vital that the head, teaching staff and governing body work closely together and this very evident at St Anne’s and a pleasure to be part of. 


Kevin Davis – Co-Opted Governor and member of the Inclusion Committee

My daughter had the best journey through Primary School thanks to the support and encouragement of all the staff at St Anne's. Although she has moved on to Secondary School, I was pleased to have the opportunity to continue to support St Anne's by becoming a Co-Opted Governor. I have worked in IT, mainly in roles where I was managing both projects and people. I have a particular interest in disability and inclusion and hope that I can use my experience and expertise to add to the Governing Body in a balanced and impartial way. My Governor subject link is Geography.


Daniel Sivell - Parent Governor - awaiting information


Louise Crowthers - Co-Opted Governor 

I have lived in the local community for nearly 30 years. I have two sons who went to school in Bitton before going on to secondary school. My granddaughter is now a pupil in Year 1 at St Anne's. I have two other grandchildren, so they all keep me entertained. In terms of my background, I was a secondary teacher of Mathematics for 32 years before taking early retirement in 2019. For most of my career I was a Pastoral Head and a Head of Mathematics, working in local schools. I am looking forward to getting to know the school and support a continued journey of development and improvement.


Helena Hills - Co-Opted Governor - I am very much looking forward to being part of the Governing Body here at St Anne's. I have two children, our eldest has just enjoyed his first year at the school and our youngest will be starting Reception in 2024. I'm deeply passionate about the quality of education, especially in these formative early years. I am experienced with neurodiversity and believe that ensuring a broad range of opportunities within a positive day to day environment that fosters understanding, curiosity and joy which is critical for children to unlock their individual potential. St Anne's is a wonderful school and such a fantastic environment for learning. I am keen to help raise the profile of the school, drawing from my experience with our flourishing family business. I'm excited to support Mrs Parfitt to help foster collaboration throughout the whole school community, from the children to the staff, governors, parents and beyond. 


Sue Abrahams - Clerk to Governors

