St. Anne’s CE Primary School was built in 1837 (originally named Oldland National School) in the Victorian school building next to the present school building.
In January 2004 the school moved into the attractive modern building we now occupy, comprising 14 classrooms, library, food technology area, group rooms, reception area, kitchen, hall and offices.
St. Anne’s is a Voluntary Controlled Church of England School; we enjoy close links with our local church St. Anne’s; the Christian ethos is a very important factor affecting the ethos of our school. Our Vicar and our Foundation Governors provide invaluable assistance in supporting the school and helping with RE and Collective Worship. We welcome all children to St. Anne’s and provide a secure, learning opportunity, promoting and encouraging Christian values.
We also have extensive grounds including a netball court, hard playgrounds and a very large field with a conservation area, pond, climbing equipment and two outside classrooms and an open air heated swimming pool.
We are continuing to develop the outside environment including the Forest School area, providing more trees and areas for gardening as well as further areas providing shade.
We are part of South Gloucestershire Education Authority.