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St Anne's CE VC Primary School Respect Responsibility Friendship Excellence

Year 5

Year 5 Residential- Charterhouse


We are looking forward to seeing you in the morning- don't forget to check the kit list. All of the information you need is in the Charterhouse section on this page.


We have set up a twitter page so you can get quick updates from camp. Please follow us!

Welcome to Year 5!


We hope you have all had a wonderful half term break and have managed to enjoy the sunshine!


Welcome to term 6, our final term in Year 5! We have an exciting term ahead of us and are looking forward to our residential trip on Monday 26th June!! Before camp, the children will complete the summer term NFER assessments and we will finalise our teacher assessments for your child. These will be shared with you in your child's annual school report.


There has been some fierce competition between Class 11 and 12 in our school reading challenge. For the past three terms, Class 12 have been the winners each week and have enjoyed many reading challenge prizes. Class 11 worked incredibly hard during the last week of term to ensure everyone in the class read at least 4 times during the week. Please do encourage your child to read at home and record this in their reading diary. As always, if any parents or family members would like to come in and read to the classes, please do let us know.


As always, we want to thank you for your continued support this year and look forward to a fun filled final term!


Parents and carers- please continue to come and see us, we will be in the playground every morning and value the importance of effective home school communication. If you have any queries or questions come and ask us! 


Essential Information for Term 6


PE Days - please can you ensure that your child comes to school in the correct PE kit (no football kits, bright clothing, branded sports wear) with long hair tied back and earrings removed.


PE will take place on a Monday afternoon (Outside) and Thursday afternoon (Swimming).




The children in Year 5 will be using the school pool for their swimming sessions on a Thursday afternoon. Please ensure that the kit is in school each Thursday.


The children will need:

  • Swimming costume (no bikinis please) or swimming trunks/shorts
  • Goggles (if needed)
  • Towel
  • Hair MUST be tied up.
  • Please ensure earrings are removed prior to school as we will be unable to cover these with tape. Earrings can easily cause damage to the pool liner.
  • Sun cream to be applied.


Forest School 

We have a forest school session this term so please ensure your child arrives at school with the correct kit. 

Class 11 - Group A - Tuesday 20th June. Group B - TBC

Class 12 - Group A - Thursday 15th June. Group B - Thursday 22nd June.


Staffing in Year 5


Class 11- Miss Franklin

Class 12- Mrs Bamfield


Teaching Assistant- Mrs Cox (Mornings) and Miss Gast (Afternoons) 

Reading Assistant- Mrs Cox (Afternoons) and Mrs Shere


We will also be supported by Mrs Allan and Mrs Pacheco who are our SEND TA's.

Year Group Newsletter

World Book Day - 02.03.23

Who is trading with whom?

Class 11 Forest School

Class 12 Forest School

Fractions- creating our own learning posters

Book Week

What does Earth look like from the Solar System?

Why is my local area important?
