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St Anne's CE VC Primary School Respect Responsibility Friendship Excellence

Year 6

Dear Year 6,

You have worked very hard towards your SATs and preparing yourself for next year – well done!

Here is your main homework task for this week.


  1. Have a restful weekend. Spend time with your family and friends


  1. Get a good night’s sleep: This is the single most effective thing you can do. Keep away from your iPad, laptop, phone and tv an hour before you go to bed so that you get good quality sleep.


  1. Keep yourself calm: Don’t panic yourself or your friends. You have all worked hard for your success. The nicest thing you can do for a worried friend is reassure them.


  1. Have a good breakfast and a drink every morning. Your brain needs fuel to work properly!


  1. Be positive and have confidence in yourself - you can do it!


Finally, we just want to say on behalf of all the adults who have been working with you: we are terrifically proud of you. You have really shown great dedication and the effort, ability, talent and determination you have put into your work has been brilliant. Well done. You should feel proud of yourselves.  


We wish you the very best of luck!


The Year 6 Team



Dear Parents and Carers,

We are sending home some revision booklets (reading, maths, GPS) to keep your child ‘ticking over’ during the break. Please encourage them to do a small amount of revision each day of the holiday break - as well as having lots of fun!

The maths booklet has a few arithmetic questions and some longer test questions to complete. The reading booklet has a short passage to read with a few questions to answer each day too and there is a separate spelling and punctuation booklet with some questions to answer (a few a day). We will mark the work together when back in school so that we can learn from any marvellous mistakes. There is also a fun whole school holiday project (details below) which your child may like to complete with a chance to win a prize.

Whilst we are encouraging some revision each day, we do urge the children to switch off, see friends and family enjoy the fresh air and get lots of exercise too – we are only young once!

Thank you for your support.

Your children have been working very hard and we are proud of them.

The Year 6 team



Hello Year 6,


This term (term 4) P.E. will be taught every Wednesday and Friday. Please make sure that you wear you P.E. kit to school on these days.


Mr. O'Connell and Mrs. Schlick.

Hello Year 6,

We hope that you and your families are all safe and well. You all have your homework for this holiday including the RE 'What nature means to me.'  Remember to be as creative as you like when completing this piece of work.

Today we have uploaded below the work which we would like you to complete. This work has also been uploaded onto Google Classroom. 

Have a restful half term break.

Mrs Schlick and Mr O'Connell

Hello Year 6 and welcome to 2022!

We hope that you had a great festive break and a good rest at home with your families. We would like to thank you all for the kinds gifts that you gave us for Christmas and wish you all a happy New Year! 


Term 3 promises to be an exciting term as we will move on to our new topic 'Tools, Technologies and Triumphs' where we will be learning all about World War Two and the impact that it had on both the United Kingdom and the world as a whole. If any of you have any personal family links to the war, it would be fantastic if you could find out about them to share with us in school.


Outdoor P.E. this term will be on Thursday afternoons when we will be learning and practising our tennis skills. It's time to dig out those rackets!


To keep up with your learning, it is important that you complete all homework and continue to reinforce your tables and spelling knowledge by accessing the Time Tables Rock Stars and Spelling Shed websites where challenges have been set for you each week. Children can also come to Homework Club on Tuesday lunchtimes in Class 14, where they can get support in completing their homework. 

In maths this term, we will be focusing on percentages, algebra and measurement so any pre-learning or reading around these subjects would be very helpful. The BBC bitesize website has information on these topics which can help with this. 

We look forward to an exciting Spring Term with you all.

Kind Regards

The Year 6 Team. 

Hello Year 6,

Well done for another great week where we continued to learn about ancient Greece and the adventures of Odysseus. We also really enjoyed the sunshine whilst swimming and playing tag rugby. 

Well done to all those who completed their homework - keep it up. Next week is Science Week in school  where we will be taking part in many different exciting investigations. Please bring in any 2 litre water bottles that you may have at home for Tuesday.

See you on Monday. 

Have a great weekend. 


Dear Parents,

There will be an information meeting to welcome you to Year 6 in the hall straight after school at 3.35 pm Friday 24th September.  We hope that you will be able to attend.

Kind regards

The Year 6 Team.

Hello Year 6,
What a fantastic first week we have had. Those of you who have volunteered for jobs have been brilliant taking on your new roles and responsibilities. We have also noted that around school you are all trying really hard to be wonderful role models for the younger children - keep it up!
This week we have given out homework. As it is the start of the year, there may be some questions on the homework sheets that we have not revisited or taught yet. Don't panic if there is something that you are unsure of. Attempt all those questions that you can and we will celebrate your homework and go through any unknown areas on Friday. Those of you who enjoy a challenge, attempt all the questions !
Class 14 you have swimming Monday afternoon. 
Keep up the hard work!
Year 6 Team.

Hello Year 6,
Welcome to a brand new school year of exciting opportunities and learning. We hope that you have had a restful summer and are all really looking forward to working together as a team. There are many fantastic activities planned for the year ahead. 
Here is some information to help you as you return to school.
Swimming will take place for as long as conditions allow from 8th September.
Class 13 swim on Wednesday afternoons and Class 14 on Monday afternoons.
We have Tag Rugby  professional coaches to look forward to in Games every Thursday afternoon this term starting this week ( 9.9.21) so please come dressed in the appropriate kit for all weathers.



Homework will be sent home in books this term to be completed and returned the following week. We ask that the children are encouraged to complete this to a high standard. We would also like the children to continue to focus on learning their times tables and related division facts.


Children will be taught a spelling rule during the week and it will be their task to learn that rule for their homework. On Fridays we will then test the children on that spelling rule.

We will be encouraging children to read four times a week at home. Please ensure you record this in your child's reading record. We will check the reading records each week to see which children have read four times, these children will then receive a raffle ticket with a chance to win a prize at the end of the term. The class which have the highest number of children reading four times will receive a trophy during our assembly.


The children have already made a great start to settling into school. Many have volunteered to take on responsible jobs and are acting as fantastic role models to the younger children. Well done - keep it up. 

Finally we would like to welcome Mr David O'Connell to St Anne's and Year 6.

Kind regards

The Year 6 Team.
