Week beginning 8.07.24
Due to a busy week we have taught two sounds this week i-e and o-e and two new HRSW want and very. We have two more sounds to learn next week and then the children will revisit these at the start of Year One. Please keep helping the children to know the phase 3 sounds taught and the new phase 5 sounds as well as the HRSW over the summer, thank you. In maths, the children have continued exploring 3D shape. On Monday the children enjoyed watching the Year 5 and Year 6 production. On Wednesday and Friday the children had their shuffle up sessions in Year One and enjoyed meeting their new teacher Miss Hale. They enjoyed carrying out different activities in their new classroom – Class 4. On Wednesday the children had a great time exploring Oldland during our local walk. On Thursday the children had another great swimming session with Pip. Thank you for supporting our non-uniform day on Friday in aid of Citizens Advice. We hope you have a nice weekend. If you are watching the football – enjoy! Fingers crossed for an England win!
Week beginning 1.07.24
In phonics we revisited the phase 5 sounds taught so far and the children learned three new HRSW mouse, house and water. Please keep helping the children to know the phase 3 sounds taught and the new phase 5 sounds as well as the HRSW, thank you. In maths, the children have continued exploring money. On Tuesday the children had a great time out in forest school and also enjoyed another athletics session with sports coach Mrs Lewis in the afternoon. They continued working on their throwing techniques. On Thursday, the children had their fifth swimming session in the school pool and did so well again. Each week they are building on their confidence, resilience and swimming techniques. Next week we will start our transition to Year One talks and work with the children. There is a non-uniform day on Friday 12th July 2024 in aid of Citizen’s Advice. We hope you have a lovely weekend.
Week beginning 24.06.24
In phonics the children were introduced to the sounds au, ey, a-e, e-e and three new HRSW would, could and asked. Please keep helping the children to know the phase 3 sounds taught and the new phase 5 sounds as well as the HRSW, thank you. In maths, the children have started to explore money. We discussed why we need money and looked at the different types of money. Next week we will continue to look at the value of money. On Tuesday the children enjoyed another athletics session with sports coach Mrs Lewis. They worked on developing their throwing techniques. On Wednesday the children took part in sports day. They were great athletes working together as a team. Thank you for providing their house team t-shirt. On Thursday, the children had their fourth swimming session in the school pool and did so well again. Each week they are building confidence and resilience. It is our PTA school summer fayre tomorrow (Saturday 29th June 2024) 12pm-3pm, we hope to see lots of you there. We hope you have a nice weekend.
Forest school notice:
Class 2 will have two forest school sessions this term...
Tuesday 2nd July 2024 and Tuesday 16th July 2024. Please send children into school wearing forest school clothes. Long sleeves and bottoms for climbing trees. They can stay in their outdoor clothes for PE in the afternoons.
Week beginning 17.06.24
In phonics the children were introduced to the sounds wh, ph, ew, oe and three new HRSW your, ask and should. Please keep helping the children to know the phase 3 sounds taught and the new phase 5 sounds as well as the HRSW, thank you. In maths, the children explored time. They sequenced events and practised the days of the week and months of the year. Can they sing it to you? Our focus text this week was ‘The Boy Who Sailed the World’ and we explored ‘sea’ transport. The children were great engineers when making their own boats. They enjoyed testing them on the water and explored floating and sinking. On Thursday the children had their third swimming session in the school pool and did so well again. PE kit required three days next week. Tuesday for Up and Under, Wednesday for sports day (don’t forget their house team top colour) and Thursday for easy changing over at the pool. They are looking forward to next week. We hope you have a lovely weekend.
Week beginning 10.06.24
We have had another busy week in EYFS. On Monday the children had a VR workshop. They put on their headsets and went on a minibeast adventure. They thoroughly enjoyed the experience. In phonics the children were introduced to the sounds oy, ir, ue, aw and three new HRSW oh, their and people. Please keep helping the children to know the phase 3 sounds taught and the new phase 5 sounds as well as the HRSW, thank you. In maths, the children explored capacity. Our focus text this week was ‘Paper Planes’ and we explored ‘air’ transport. The children were resilient engineers and had a go at making their own paper planes. They enjoyed testing them and flying them outside. On Thursday the children had their second swimming session in the school pool and did so well again. They are looking forward to next week. We hope you have a nice weekend.
Week beginning 03.06.24
It was lovely welcoming the children back after the half term holiday. What a busy week they have had! On Monday they were introduced to their new termly enquiry ‘where can we go?’ and explored different land transport. Our focus text was the ‘Naughty Bus’ and we had our own naughty bus that arrived in class and created some mess! The children have also been introduced to the first set of phase 5 sounds ay, ie, ou, ea and two new HRSW oh and their. Please help them to keep practising the previously taught phase 3 sounds and HRSW. The children had athletics on Tuesday led by a sports coach from Up and Under Sports. Mrs Lewis will be working with us every Tuesday. On Thursday the children had their first swimming session in the school pool and did so well. They are looking forward to their next session. Then on Friday the children went on their trip to Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm and had a wonderful day. Thank you for supporting all our activities this week. We hope you have a lovely weekend.
Week beginning 20.5.24
We have had a busy week in EYFS. The start of the week involved preparing for and hosting our afternoon tea. On Monday, the children made bread rolls, biscuits and cakes. On Tuesday the children prepared pitta pizzas and fruit skewers. In the afternoon the children thoroughly enjoyed welcoming you in for afternoon tea. Thank you so much for coming along to celebrate the children’s learning this term. We are looking forward to term 6. We are awaiting confirmation of our PE and swimming timetable, this will be communicated with you in due course. For the time being please send children into school in uniform each day. We hope you have a nice half term break. We look forward to seeing you back in school on Monday 3rd June 2024.
Week beginning 13.5.24
As the weather has been nice the children have been enjoying playing out in the outdoor area especially with the sand and water! Thank you for ensuring the children have hats in school and sun cream on. In phonics, we have been consolidating the HRSW and sounds taught so far as well as letter formation. Please help the children continue to practise recognising the digraphs and trigraphs, reading the HRSW from memory and forming letters correctly saying the phrases for support. In maths, the children have been solving subtraction sums and exploring the link between number bonds and subtraction facts. For example 3+2=5, 2+3=5, 5-2=3, 5-3=2. We have been sharing a range of non-fiction texts to support our enquiry ‘where does food come from.’ The children are looking forward to putting on the afternoon tea for you. Thank you for supporting our non-uniform day on Friday in aid of St Peter’s Hospice. We hope you have a lovely weekend.
Week beginning 6.5.24
Although it has been a shorter week we have been very busy in EYFS. On Wednesday the children had a visit from our local PCSO’s who talked to the children about their role in the community. They also talked to the children about stranger danger and how they can keep safe. The really enjoyed trying on their uniform and looking at their work tools. Our focus text this week has been Oliver’s Milkshake and to end the week the children enjoyed their own milkshakes which was a lovely treat! They know the story very well and should be able to give you a recount. The children have been colouring place mats and making name cards for our upcoming afternoon tea. We hope you enjoy the lovely sunshine while it lasts, have a nice weekend.
Week beginning 29.4.24
In phonics, our focus is phase 4 and consolidation of all sounds and HRSW taught before we move onto phase 5 next term. In maths, the children have been consolidating their knowledge of number bonds to 5/10. The children have continued learning about where food comes from and this week explored the journey of food and drink such as potatoes and milk and the process it goes through from farm to plate. The class cress grew well, phew! So the children had the opportunity to try it this week, there were mixed reviews! On Tuesday a group of children represented EYFS at a multi-skills festival held at Mangotsfield Secondary School. The children took part in different activities, had lots of fun, especially during the sack race and three legged race. They worked really well as a team. Thank you to the adults who came along to support us. We hope you have a lovely long weekend.
Week beginning 22.4.24
On Monday the children took part in an online author session with Stephen Pass. He shared a chapter from one of his books ‘Madge the Mermaid.’ The children enjoyed joining in with actions and a poem. After the session the children engaged in sea themed activities and some even made their own mermaids and sea creatures. On Wednesday the children took part in ‘Beep Beep Day’ learning about keeping safe when travelling in a vehicle and how to stay safe when walking near and crossing roads. They engaged in lots of great discussion and role-play demonstrating good knowledge and understanding. In phonics, our focus is phase 4 and consolidation of all sounds and HRSW taught before we move onto phase 5 next term. In maths, the children have been developing their understanding of the counting system whilst exploring odd and even numbers. The children have continued learning about where food comes from and this week explored the lifecycle of a seed. The children worked in groups to grow cress. We hope to taste it next week! We hope you have a nice weekend.
Week beginning 15.4.24
It was lovely welcoming the children back after the Easter holiday. The children have been settling back into school routines. This term in phonics our focus is phase 4 and consolidation of all sounds and HRSW taught before we move onto phase 5 next term. In maths, the children have be consolidating their number knowledge careful 1:1 counting correspondence and comparing quantities (more, less/fewer). In PE, the children returned to their rabbit dance during their indoor slot and explored jumping techniques during their outdoor slot. The children have been introduced to their new enquiry ‘Where does food come from?’ They are looking forward to preparing for an afternoon tea. They decorated their invitations and were excited to be bringing them home. We hope you have a lovely weekend.
PE notice:
Class 2 will have PE on Mondays and Wednesdays during term five. Please send children into school wearing their PE kit. We kindly ask that footwear does not have laces and long hair should be tied back. Earrings should either be removed or taped up. Please come and see us if you have any questions. Thank you.
Week beginning 25.3.24
It has been a busy end to the term. The children thoroughly enjoyed their forest school session on Tuesday, visiting the school pond area and exploring the pond wildlife. The children have been learning about the Easter story and traditions. They learnt about Easter symbols and tasted hot cross buns and a chocolate egg! They had fun making Easter nests and enjoyed an egg hunt. They attended the school Easter service on Tuesday led by Reverend Goodwin and attended Class 14’s Easter service on Thursday.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs Morgan for everything she has done to support all the children that have started their primary school journey here in EYFS at St Anne’s. Her hard work and dedication to her role over the years is greatly appreciated. Mrs Morgan has been a wonderful colleague to work alongside and would like to wish her well for her new adventures which we look forward to hearing about.
We hope you have a lovely Easter. Mrs Bruce and I look forward to welcoming you all back on Monday 15th April 2024.
Week beginning 18.3.24
In phonics, the children have been working on reading and writing CVC, CCVC and CVCC words which include the phase 3 digraphs and trigraphs taught. They are being are being great digraph and trigraph detectives, spotting them when reading. They have been taught two new HRSW children and love. Please help the children practise them at home. Learn a few at a time and move on when confident. Keep practising the phase 3 sounds too. Next term the children will be learning phase 5 sounds. We are working on letter formation, saying the phrases for support, the children are really persevering with this. In maths, the children have been exploring 3D shape, learning the names of some common 3D shapes and spotting them in the environment. They have been learning a 3D shape song. You can find the words under our letters and information tab. The children went on a spring walk around the sensory garden to find signs of spring as part of our mini enquiry ‘What happens in spring?’ On Thursday the children enjoyed their forest school session, climbing trees, digging holes, finding minibeasts, looking at the pond including newts and tadpoles, lots of fun had by all! Thank you for supporting our non-uniform day on Thursday for the PTA Easter Eggstravaganza. We hope you have a nice weekend.
Week beginning 11.3.24
In phonics, the children have been working on reading and writing CVC, CCVC and CVCC words which include the phase 3 digraphs and trigraphs taught. They are being great digraph and trigraph detectives, spotting them when reading. They have been taught three new HRSW little, one, do. We are working on letter formation, saying the phrases for support, the children are really persevering with this. In maths, the children have continued to explore sharing and halving and as part of science week the children have been talking about time. They know the days of the week well and have been learning the months of the year. They enjoyed a science workshop on Monday, have taken part in different activities and have been talking about changes over time. They enjoyed being Historians, looking at and comparing their baby and toddler photographs to a recent photo of them. Thank you for supporting us with this, the children had a lovely time sharing them with each other. Thank you for supporting our non-uniform day on Friday for Comic Relief. We hope you have a lovely weekend.
EYFS notice:
We have two forest school sessions coming up:
Thursday 21st March 2024 - No PE kit required, please send children into school wearing forest school non-uniform (long bottoms and sleeves please). Whole school non-uniform day, don't forget an Easter egg donation for the PTA Easter Eggstravaganza which is taking place on Friday 22nd March 2024, 3.30pm.
Tuesday 26th March 2024 - Please send children into school wearing clothes suitable for forest school. Long bottoms and sleeves please. The children can wear their school wellies.
Please come and see us if you have any questions, thank you for your support. 🌳🌿
Non-uniform day on Friday 15th March 2024 in aid of Comic Relief.
Week beginning 4.3.24
In phonics, the children have been working on reading and writing CVC, CCVC and CVCC words which include the phase 3 digraphs and trigraphs taught. They are being are being great digraph and trigraph detectives, spotting them when reading. They have been taught three new HRSW some, come, there. We are working on letter formation, saying the phrases for support, the children are really persevering with this. In maths, the children have been exploring sharing and halving. We looked at a whole of something and half before moving onto sharing objects equally been two groups. It was great to see the children in their wonderful World Book Day outfits on Thursday. The children enjoyed a World Book Day Assembly led by the school library team. In class, the children designed their own book tokens, drew their World Book Day character and took part in a quiz! In PE on Thursday (hooray no rain!) the children were developing their hand and eye coordination when steering a ball with a bat. On Friday we read Supertato! The children immersed themselves into making their own Supertato and had lots of fun! We hope you have a nice weekend.
Week beginning 26.2.24
In phonics, the children have been working on reading and writing CVC, CCVC and CVCC words which include the phase 3 digraphs and trigraphs taught. They are being are being great digraph and trigraph detectives, spotting them when reading. We are working on letter formation, saying the phrases for support, the children are really persevering with this. In maths, the children continued exploring subtraction pictorially, with objects and a number line. As part of our RE work the children enjoyed their walk to St Anne’s Church where Reverend Goodwin showed them around the Church. They were great artists and engineers after, drawing and painting pictures of the Church and using the construction to build. In PE on a Wednesday the children have been developing their agility, coordination and balance whilst using the apparatus. We weren’t able to get out for our outdoor slot due to the wet weather. Fingers crossed for some spring sunshine soon! We hope you have a lovely weekend.
Week beginning 19.2.24
It was lovely to welcome the children back after the half term holiday. In phonics, the children have been working on reading and writing CVC, CCVC and CVCC words which include the phase 3 digraphs and trigraphs taught. They are being are being great digraph and trigraph detectives, spotting them when reading. We are working on letter formation, saying the phrases for support, the children are really persevering with this. In maths, the children have been finding one less than a given number and have started to explore subtraction. The children have been introduced to our new enquiry for the term ‘How do we care for ourselves?’. The children really enjoyed the glitter germ experiment and have been discussing the importance of hand washing. In RE we are thinking about special places this term. This week the children talked about and painted a place special to them. We hope you have a nice weekend.
Week beginning 5.2.24
It has been a busy end to the term this week! On Monday the children went along to whole school assembly to listen to school council introduce Children’s Mental Health Week. It was great to see the children dressed up to express themselves. The children have engaged in different activities across the week and have learnt the importance of talking to someone. Our mini enquiry this week has been ‘How is Chinese New Year celebrated?’ and the children have been learning about their traditions. They enjoyed tasting noodles, rice and prawn crackers. They also liked making paper dragons and lanterns. The children have continued to enjoy our special guest readers this week, thank you to those of you who have come in to share stories with the class. We are looking forward to our future guests. Thank you for your support this term, we hope you have a lovely half term break, see you on Monday 19th February 2024.
PE notice:
Class 2 will have PE on Wednesdays and Thursdays during term four. Please send children into school wearing their PE kit. We kindly ask that footwear does not have laces and long hair should be tied back. Earrings should either be removed or taped up. Please come and see us if you have any questions. Thank you.
Week beginning 29.1.24
It has been a very busy but exciting week in EYFS! On Monday the children went along to the whole school storytelling week assembly. Our focus text this week was The Gingerbread Man and the children enjoyed acting out the story with props and puppets. They had a wonderful time making their own gingerbread people and were shocked to learn some had escaped from the oven after being baked and went on a hunt for them. Still yet to be found! Hope the children shared some of them with you?! On Thursday it was lovely to see the children dressed up as a character from one of the traditional tales we have been reading. To celebrate our enquiry work the children took part in an online fairytales storytelling workshop led by Freshwater Theatre. In phonics this week the children been consolidating the phase 3 sounds taught and learnt two new HRS words when and what. In maths the children have been exploring doubling, reading number sentences and solving doubling problems. The children finished the week off on Friday with NSPCC Number Day. They engaged in different shape activities linked the text Tangram Cat. The children have continued to enjoy our special guest readers this week, thank you to those of you who have come in to share stories with the class. We are looking forward to our future guests. We hope you have a nice weekend.
Week beginning 22.1.24
In phonics this week the children learnt three new sounds ure, er, and ow (snow) and two new HRS words ball and tall. In maths the children have been exploring addition, reading and solving number sentences. The children have been reading and writing about Jack and the Beanstalk linked to our focus text. They have enjoyed using the puppets and props to act out the story. During our enquiry work this week we explored what ‘problem’ and ‘solution’ mean. The children have created their own story maps ready to write them next week. The children were great scientists this week learning about what plants need to grow and plating their own beans. The children have continued to enjoy our special guest readers this week, thank you to those of you who have come in to share stories with the class. We are looking forward to our future guests. We hope you have a lovely weekend.
Week beginning 15.1.24
In phonics this week the children learnt four new sounds ow, oi, ear and air. In maths the children have been finding one more than a given number and have started to explore addition. The children have been reading and writing about The Three Little Pigs linked to our focus text. They have enjoyed using the puppets and props to act out the story. During our enquiry work this week we explored what ‘character’ and ‘setting’ mean ready to innovate and create stories next week. The children have been resilient during dance, rehearsing and linking different moves together ready to perform to the school at the end of the term. The have also been great athletes developing their aiming, throwing and catching skills using quoits. The children have thoroughly enjoyed our special guest readers this week, thank you to those of you who have come in to share stories with the class. We are looking forward to our future guests. As it has been so popular we will add some more dates to the class door soon. We hope you have a nice weekend.
Week beginning 8.1.24
In phonics this week the children learnt four new sounds ar, ur, oo (spoon) and or. They learnt three new HRSW they, all and are. In maths the children have been subitising alongside exploring number bonds to 10. The children have been reading and writing about Little Red Riding Hood as our focus text. They also learnt how to create a story map to retell the story. They have enjoyed using the puppets and props to act out the story. During our enquiry work this week we explored the role of an author and an illustrator. The children carried out a ‘Draw with Rob’ and did really well watching and copying his illustration of a rabbit. We chose a rabbit as many of the children like rabbits in class 2 and it also links to our PE. The music and theme for our dance in PE is ‘Try Everything’ by Shakira from the film Zootopia. Miss Karon (PE subject leader) linked each classes dance music to ‘perseverance’ to reflect our termly Christian value. We read The Tale of Peter Rabbit and although a mischievous rabbit he kept on going and didn’t give up trying to escape Mr McGregor’s garden. We will base our dance on the story. Towards the end of term we hope to have a choreographed a simple dance to share with the school. We hope you have a lovely weekend.
Week beginning 1.1.24
Welcome back! It has been a short week back after the Christmas break and the children have started to settle back into their school routines. On Wednesday in phonics the children learnt a new digraph ‘oo’ (book nook). In maths, the children have been exploring and consolidating their knowledge of number bonds to five. Finding the different numbers pairs that make 2, 3, 4 & 5. On Thursday the children had a great time out in forest school and thoroughly enjoyed their hot chocolate. On Friday the children were introduced to their new termly enquiry ‘What makes a great story’. They are looking forward to writing their own short stories towards the end of the term as part of their enquiry challenge. We hope you have a nice weekend.
PE notice:
Class 2 will have PE on Tuesdays and Thursdays during term three. Please send children into school wearing their PE kit. We kindly ask that footwear does not have laces and long hair should be tied back. Earrings should either be removed or taped up. Please come and see us if you have any questions. Thank you.
Week beginning 11.12.23
It has been a very busy festive week in school. On Tuesday, the children looked fabulous in their Christmas jumpers and enjoyed their Christmas lunch. On Wednesday, to was great to see so many children at the school disco showing off their dance moves! On Thursday, the children enjoyed their forest school session with their class 14 buddies and enjoyed more s’mores. In the afternoon the children had their class party and played musical statues, musical bumps and musical chairs as well as sleeping reindeer. They also enjoyed a drink, crisps and biscuit. Elvis our class elf also left some class presents from Santa (new writing tablets and Lego). On Friday, the children went along to the Christmas service in the hall and finished the afternoon with a festive film. Thank you for all your support this term and for your kind gifts and wishes. Mrs Morgan and I traditionally open our gifts on Christmas day. We hope you have a wonderful Christmas and we look forward to welcoming you all back in the New Year. Best wishes and Merry Christmas!
Week beginning 4.12.23
On Tuesday the children had a wonderful time at forest school with their class 13 buddies, toasting marshmallows and making s’mores. During the week the children performed their Jolly Jingle with Fun and Festivity. They performed brilliantly and with confidence. Thank you for coming along to watch and for all your support. Elvis the class 2 elf has been mischievous in class, the children have been keeping an eye on him. We are looking forward to the final week of term and all the Christmas festivities. Hope you have a lovely weekend.
Week beginning 27.11.23
This week in phonics the children have been revisiting the sounds and words taught so far and developing their blending skills. In maths, we have been focusing on the composition of number with a focus on 6-10. The children have been exploring different way of making 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. The children had a wonderful cosy day on Tuesday in their pyjamas, dressing gowns and slippers. The teddies also had a great day at school! In the afternoon the children enjoyed time under their class den, playing, listening to stories, eating biscuits and drinking hot chocolate with marshmallows. On Friday the children watched Year One and Year Two perform Baubles and also watched Year Three and Year Four perform The Angel Who Nearly Missed It All. We have also been busy practising for our Jolly Jingle and are looking forward to sharing it with you all next week. Hope you have a nice weekend.
A round up of key dates
Tuesday 28th November 2023 – EYFS Cosiness Day, no PE kit required.
Thursday 30th November 2023 – Non-uniform day, donations for the PTA Christmas fayre tombola.
Friday 1st December 2023 – PTA Christmas fayre after school.
Tuesday 5th December 2023 – Forest school, no PE kit required.
Wednesday 6th December and Thursday 7th December 2023 – EYFS Jolly Jingle with Fun and Festivity performances at 9.30am.
Tuesday 12th December 2023 – Christmas dinner and Christmas jumper day, no PE kit required.
Wednesday 13th December 2023 – School disco, EYFS & KS1 5.15pm-6.15pm
Thursday 14th December 2023 – Forest school am and Class party pm.
We are happy to keep the children's Christmas performance tops so they can change into them after forest school for their class party in the afternoon.
Week beginning 20.11.23
This week in phonics the children learnt four new sounds ai, ee, igh, oa and the HRS was and her. In maths, we have been focusing on numerals 6-10. Last week and this week the children walked to Little Croft Care Home to visit the residents and to carry out some craft. The children were fantastic and represented St Anne’s very well. The children enjoyed talking to the residents and carrying out some Christmas crafts with them to keep in the home. They also enjoyed a drink and sweet treat! As part of our enquiry challenge the children have written their cosiness recipes and are looking forward to their cosiness day next Tuesday. We have also been busy practising for our Jolly Jingle and are looking forward to putting it all together on stage next week ready to share with you all. Hope you have a lovely weekend.
Week beginning 13.11.23
It has been a very busy week in EYFS. On Monday, we had odd socks day and attended an anti-bullying week assembly. The children in class 2 created a kindness poem as part of the week’s activities. On Tuesday, the children took part in Interfaith Day, exploring similarities and differences and learning about the views of others regarding our planet whilst sharing their own thoughts and ideas. The children created a paperchain of how we should take care of the planet and drew what they think is special about the planet. The children have also been practising for our upcoming Christmas performance. They are learning some songs and the Christmas Story. The children have also been philosophers in RE learning about Diwali. In phonics, the children learnt four new sounds, sh, th, ng, nk and the HRS word push. In maths, the children have been using fives frames, exploring how numbers (2,3,4,5) are made up of smaller numbers for example, 3+1=4, 2+2=4 and 4+0=4. As part of our enquiry we looked at shadows and the children made their own shadow puppets. It was great to see the children looking so colourful for Children in Need on Friday and it was nice to welcome some Pudsey bears too. Have a nice weekend.
EYFS notice:
Don't forget Odd Socks Day on Monday 13th November 2023 to support Anti-Bullying Week - Make a Noise!
Week beginning 6.1.13
As part of book week the children have made bookmarks, drawn their favourite book character and read with their year six buddies, a huge highlight of the week for all of the children. As part of our enquiry 'What is dark/ness?' we talked about our bedtime routine and the importance of sleep. The children attended the school remembrance service on Friday, held a minute silence and created their own poppies. In phonics, the children learnt four new sounds y, z/zz, qu and ch along with three new HRS words we, me, be. In maths, the children have been learning about subitising and have explored dice games and activities. In your reading folder we have sent a letter regarding visits to Little Croft Care Home next week. Next week we will write to you regarding our Christmas show. For the first time EYFS will be putting on a performance themselves and have started to learn some Christmas songs. Over the coming weeks our time will be spent rehearsing. We look forward to presenting our EYFS Jolly Jingle with Fun and Festivity to you in December! Have a lovely weekend.
Week beginning 30.10.23
We hope you all enjoyed a great half term break?! This week the children have been immersed into their new enquiry 'What is Dark/ness?'. They watched a road safety presentation and were able to answer lots of questions about keeping safe, They also learnt about wearing bright colours when it is dark so they can be seen and enjoyed lots of role-play afterwards. Check out our photos page! The children have also learnt about bonfire night, were wonderful artists creating representations of fireworks and made paper sparklers. They were able to answer the bonfire night safety quiz confidently too. We hope you enjoy bonfire night safely at the weekend. In phonics, the children learnt four new sounds j, v, w, x and three new HRS words he, she, buses. In maths, the children explored numerals 1-5 and enjoyed watching and recreating their own Numberblocks using lots of media. Have a nice weekend.
PE notice:
Class 2 will have PE on Mondays and Tuesdays during term two. Please send children into school wearing their PE kit. We kindly ask that footwear does not have laces and long hair should be tied back. Earrings should either be removed or taped up. Please come and see us if you have any questions. Thank you.
Week beginning 16.10.23
Thank you for coming in after school on Monday to share the children's wonderful enquiry work. They have been excellent philosophers and artists this term and thoroughly enjoyed celebrating their work with you. In phonics this week the children have learnt h, b, f, ff, l, ll. We hope you find the flashcard and videos helpful to practise at home. As part of our mini enquiry 'What is Harvest?' the children have enjoyed making bread, learning about Harvest traditions and retelling the story of the Little Red Hen. Thank you for coming along to parents evening on Tuesday and Thursday. It was lovely to speak with you all about your child's first term at school. We hope you have a wonderful half term break and we will see you all on Tuesday 31st October 2023.
Week beginning 9.10.23
This week during maths, the children have continued to develop their understanding of pattern. Exploring pattern through body percussion, musical instruments and different objects and media. During phonics, the children have learnt five new sounds, ck, e, u, r and ss and four new HRS words to, go, into and pull. The children have been Historians, learning about successful businessman and inventor Garrett Morgan who helped develop public safety and invented the first traffic light system. On Wednesday, the classroom was very bright with the children wearing yellow to support World Mental Health Day. Thank you for your support with the changes to photographs, the slips from the photographer have all been put into reading folders. The children have been very busy artists as part of their 'Who are we' enquiry' and are looking forward to showcasing their fantastic work next week. We look forward to welcoming you in after school on Monday 16th October 2023 to celebrate their enquiry work. Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunshine.
A round up of dates as there are so many!
Monday 9th October 2023 - Individual school photographs
Monday 9th October 2023 at 2.30pm - EYFS literacy workshop
Tuesday 10th October 2023 - Sibling and pre-school photographs (wear school uniform, PE kit can be brought in on this day)
Wednesday 11th October 2023 - Wear yellow to school to support World Mental Health Day. A day later than the actual day due to the photographs.
Friday 13th October 2023 - PTA Quiz night
Monday 16th October 2023 - EYFS stay and celebrate after school at 3.25pm
Tuesday 17th October 2023 - Forest school. Wear old clothes to school, long bottoms (trousers, joggers or leggings) and long sleeves to be able to climb trees etc. No PE on this day.
Tuesday 17th October 2023 - Parents evening
Thursday 19th October 2023 - Harvest service at 9.15am led by Class 6, parents/carers welcome to attend
Thursday 19th October 2023 - Parents evening
Friday 20th October 2023 - Non-uniform day in aid of Make a Wish Foundation - suggested donation £1
Week beginning 2.10.23
This week in phonics the children have continued to learn four new sounds, g, o, c, k and three new HRS words, put, of, is. In maths, the children have been learning about pattern. They have explored patterns in the environment, animal patterns and started to look at repeating patterns. On Tuesday the children took part in National Poetry Day, they explored a poem called 'Take a Deep Breath' by Joseph Coelho, worked together to create a class poem based on the poem they learnt and then created artwork of a happy place where they could take a deep breath and be calm. The children had a wonderful time in the garden on Friday afternoon with Mrs Pullin (Miss Pullin's great aunt :) who works incredibly hard in the garden). The children in class 2 have also met the other Mrs Pullin (Miss Pullin's Mummy who works incredibly hard keeping the school clean and tidy) just to confuse them even more! We hope you have a nice weekend, please do come and see us if you have any questions or send us an Evidence Me observation.
Week beginning 25.9.23
It has been another busy week in EYFS. The children have been great author readers, learning four new sounds, i, n, m, d and three new Harder to Read and Spell words (HRS) I, the, no. They have also been wonderful mathematicians, comparing and ordering objects by size, length and height using a range of vocabulary.
On Tuesday the children took part in European Languages Day. We used Google Earth to explore where we live and also located France on the map. The children created their own French flags and also learnt some French greetings. We will continue to learn French during the year. As part of our enquiry the children have been philosophers and artists, talking about and drawing their families. They have enjoyed attending key stage hymn practise learning songs for Harvest as well as key stage collective worship on a Wednesday and whole school worship and celebration on Friday. We hope you have a lovely weekend.
EYFS date for your diary:
EYFS stay and celebrate Monday 16th October 2023 at 3.25pm. Come and see our wonderful enquiry work this term.
EYFS date for your diary:
An EYFS phonics workshop will take place on Monday 9th October at 2.30pm.
Week beginning 18.9.23
The children have competed their first 'full time' week at school. They have done so well and have all worked hard. They have become familiar with class routines, play time and lunch time. They have learnt the routine of phonics and have been introduced to four new sounds s, a, t, p. Supporting visuals and activities have been sent home. I will create some videos in due course to help. Please help them practise the sounds at home using the flashcards. The children can use the small sound cards to make words and match the sounds and pictures provided. The children could go on a sound hunt around the house. Other phonic activity ideas can be found in your home learning pack. In maths the children have been able to match pictures and sort objects in different ways. We started our enquiry for the term 'Who are we?' and the children have painted self-portraits. We are looking forward to creating a gallery for you to come and see. The children have also attended key stage hymn practise and key stage worship as well as whole school worship on Friday. We hope you have a nice weekend.
Week beginning 11.9.23
Thank you for all your support with the children's induction to school and being brave seeing them into school. The children have done so well adapting to the new routines of school and were great having lunch together on Friday. They have taken part in lots of listening and rhyming activities during the week in class and in the sensory garden. The children have been getting to know each other and have enjoyed exploring their classroom and outdoor area. On Monday 18th September 2023 we will be holding our welcome to the year meeting at 2.30pm. We look forward to seeing many of you then. Hope you have a lovely weekend.
PE notice:
Class 2 will have PE on Tuesdays during term one. Please send children into school wearing their PE kit.
We kindly ask that footwear does not have laces and long hair should be tied back. Earrings should either be removed or taped up. Please come and see us if you have any questions. Thank you.
Week beginning 4.9.23
It was lovely to see you all during our school visits to support the children's transition to school. The children have started school really well and thoroughly enjoyed meeting some of their buddies. They will continue meeting them next week. We hope you have had a nice weekend and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday. Our door is always open, so please do come and see us and have a chat anytime. We will communicate with parents/carers on our EYFS webpage and through Evidence Me. Other communications will come from the school office. Please ensure all forms have been returned and do let us know if any contact details change throughout the year so we can update our records. Miss Pullin and Mrs Morgan