For homework this week we would like you to research the internet and create a poster/leaflet based on your own research question.
Please continue to practise your spellings. Our subscription to Spelling Shed has been renewed so you should now be able to login. If you are unable to login please let us know and we will sort it for you.
Please continue to practise your times tables. Starting from this term, children who have completed all of their multiplication facts will be moving onto recalling division facts. Please help your child to learn these. TTRS is a great way to develop quick recall. Times Table Rock Star winners this week are Class 5! Well done to all of the children who took part, especially our first place winner William!
PE - Please can you ensure that all hair is tied up and earrings are removed for PE sessions. If earrings cannot be removed please can micropore tape be provided.
SATs has started this week and the children have been fantastic. Please keep working on their maths operations and reading comprehension to support them. More information is on the school website about what to expect and how to help your child.
The Year Two Team
Welcome back to the Term 5! We hope you had a lovely Easter break. We have had a busy week full of lots of activities. The children enjoyed their first school trip on Wednesday - there are pictures to see on the school website. We also had our first whole school assembly this week.
For homework this week we would like you to practise your understanding of the four mathematical operations, (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). This work will help your children to recap their knowledge before SATs next week.
Please continue to practise your spellings. Our subscription to Spelling Shed has expired, we are working on a new subscription. Until it is sorted, please continue to practise your spellings using a range of methods. There will be no spelling test on Friday 6th April.
Please continue to practise your times tables. Starting from this term, children who have completed all of their multiplication facts will be moving onto recalling division facts. Please help your child to learn these. TTRS is a great way to develop quick recall.
Times Table Rock Star winners this week are Class 6! Well done!
PE - Please can you ensure that all hair is tied up and earrings are removed for PE sessions. If earrings cannot be removed please can micropore tape be provided.
SATs will be starting next week. Please find more information on our class page.
Have a fantastic bank holiday weekend!
The Year Two Team
What a great end to a fantastic term! The children enjoyed an Easter egg hunt on Friday as part of our maths lesson. They have worked extremely hard this term and it was lovely speaking to you at parents evenings.
The whole school has been set the holiday project of completing the Bitton Parish Council Creative Arts Competition and the St Annes Swimming pool competition. More information is included on the sheets below.
Please continue to practise your spellings. A list of common exception words were sent home on Friday. Please can you practise all of these with your children as we will be testing them on a group upon our return to school.
Well done to Class 5 who were the winners of this weeks Times Table Rock Star tournament. A new tournament will start this week. We have worked hard on our times tables tests this term. After the school holidays children will be moving onto recalling division facts once they have completed the mixed sets.
PE - Next term PE will be the same for both classes. Inside on a Monday and outside on a Thursday.
- 26th April 2022 – Year 2 assessment (SATS) information evening.
- 27th April 2022 - Year 2 trip to Wild Place.
- 28th April 2022 - Final day to bring in clothes for the collection.
This week during our 'Adventures on the Inside' sessions, we have been celebrating our learning we have accomplished during the past 6 weeks.
We hope you have a lovely Easter holiday! We cannot wait to see you in a couple of weeks time.
The Year Two Team
Good afternoon,
School is closed tomorrow Friday 18th February.
Please see the classwork set for tomorrow:
-Guided Reading - comprehension questions on 'The Bear and the Piano'.
-English - writing a letter to Boris Johnson persuading him to help the environment.
-Maths - create a block diagram, tally chart or pictogram to show the amount of plastic items you can find.
-Environment Week - creating a recycling poster.
-Geography - create a map of the ideal school grounds.
-Please practise times tables on Times Tables Rock Stars. There is also a competition starting on Friday 18th and ending on Monday 28th. Which class will win?
-Please practise Year Two Common Exception words on Spelling Shed.
We have also set the half term holiday project - copies went home today.
Please submit work for us to see. Have a great half term!
Many thanks,
Year Two Team