Our Curriculum
The curriculum at St Anne’s CE Primary School is designed to be engaging, broad and rich. It is a curriculum that evolves, based on the needs of our children and changes in the world around us. It takes into account the local context of the school, experiences and backgrounds of our children and provides them with relevant and memorable learning experiences to enable them to become rounded successful citizens. It supports and promotes the vision and values of our school, based upon Christian teachings and beliefs in which all members of the school community are equally valued and respected.
Our Vision for St Anne’s is to nurture and develop the whole child through our Christian values, enabling them to reach their full potential in all aspects of life. Children leave St Anne’s CE Primary School, ready for Secondary School, equipped with the experiences, skills and knowledge they need to function as young people and adults in the 21st Century. They develop a sense of belonging and desire to contribute and influence their local and global communities.
The curriculum is inclusive and aims for all pupils to be challenged. It focuses on vocabulary development and experiences, which increase children’s cultural capital to allow them to reach full potential. It fulfils the requirements of the National Curriculum through ambitious and challenging enquiry led learning, with clear progression and specific learning goals for every subject. It is deep, allowing children to return to and build upon previous learning, applying skills and knowledge to new challenges.
All curriculum leaders show understanding of key concepts related to curriculum design, ensuring there are clear skills, knowledge progression and sequencing, allowing all members of the school community to fully understand the rationale behind our curriculum.