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St Anne's CE VC Primary School Respect Responsibility Friendship Excellence

Year 5

Year 5 Information

Welcome to the webpage for Classes 11 and 12.

PE for Term 6

PE for both Class 11 and 12 will take place on Tuesday and Friday afternoons. 

Tuesday PM - swimming school pool

Friday PM - outdoor PE

Please can all children wear their PE kit to school on PE days. This includes, joggers, leggings or shorts, a t-shirt, jumper and sensible shoes. PE this term will be outside so please provide your children with appropriate footwear, a coat for wet weather and a hat if it is sunny.  


Forest School - Terms 5 and 6 

Group A and B (alternate weeks)

Class 11 - Tuesday 14th June (A), 21st June (B), 28th June (A) and 5th July (B).

Class 12 - Thursday 16th June (A), 23rd June (B), 30th June (A) and 7th July (B). 



Homework tasks will be uploaded onto our Google Classroom so please log on each Friday to see what learning activity has been set. If you wish to send a photograph or electronic version of your child's home learning please do via Google Classroom. 


Times Table Rockstars!

Please log onto TTRockstars to practice your times tables. There will be a range of different battles between classes, starting with a times table battle between Class 11 and Class 12! Good luck and have fun!


Spelling Shed!

Please log onto Spelling Shed each week to practice your spellings. There will be a range of activities to help you learn your spellings ready for a spelling test each Friday. 


Reading Diaries and Reading Challenge

Please record in the reading diary each time your child reads. This can be either their reading book from school or a book/ magazine that they enjoy reading at home.  The reading diaries need to be returned to school every Friday.

Our reading challenge is starting which means children need to be reading 4 times a week at home - please record this in the red diaries. If your child reads other material such as books at home or books online, especially over the weekend when school books are returned to school, please also record this in the diaries. 


Thank you for your cooperation and support.


Miss Karon and Miss Lawrence. 
