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St Anne's CE VC Primary School Respect Responsibility Friendship Excellence

Year 1

We need your help!

Dear all parents, grandparents and guardians, in term 3 our Enquiry topic will be 'Who helps who'. In these lessons we will be looking at people in our community who help us. If anyone works or has worked as any of the below and would be happy to come in and talk to the children on the 12th January in the afternoon, then it would be wonderful to have you. If you can help us please email: 


Jobs we are look at: 

- Paramedics 

- Fire people 

- Doctors

- Nurses

- Postal workers

- Pharmacists

- Service men and women 

- Police officers


Many thanks, 

Miss Gorvin and Miss Seek smiley

Christmas performance costumes

All costumes are due in for Monday 28th November. Costumes are to be in a named bag and must be kept in school until the production is over. The children will change into their costumes in school only for the performances, for the rest of the school day the children will be in their normal uniform.

Thank you smiley                                                                                                                                                  

Year 1 Autumn Newsletter 2022

Welcome to Year 1!

We hope you all had a wonderful Summer. It was great to welcome the children back today and they are enjoying getting to know their new classmates, teachers and classrooms. Over the next two and a half weeks, we will be basing our learning activities on 'The Rainbow Fish' by Marcus Pfister. This will form the focus of our new Enquiry Curriculum topic: 'Who am I?' We will be learning about our Community, the importance of rules and how we are all special and unique.


Term 1

This term Y1 will have PE on Wednesdays and Fridays. Please send your child into school wearing their PE kits on those days (black shorts/bottoms, white or red t-shirt, trainers or daps).

We will also be taking part in our first block of Forest School sessions, starting next week.

Class 4 will be on Tuesday 6th, 13th and 20th September.

Class 3 will be on Thursday 8th, 15th and 22nd September.

For these sessions, please send children into school wearing old clothes (long sleeves and trousers) and bring wellies and waterproofs in a named bag. 


Year 1 Staff 

Class 3: Mrs Williams - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday morning

             Mrs Gilmour - Wednesday afternoon, Thursday, Friday

Class 4: Miss Gorvin

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Gotts, Mrs Watkins, Miss Marsh/Mrs Wilson (1:1)

Reading Assistant: Ms Dowding


Please feel free to catch us at the end of the day if you have any questions and we look forward to meeting you at our 'Welcome to the Year' meeting soon.


Mrs Gilmour             Mrs Williams              Miss Gorvin
