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St Anne's CE VC Primary School Respect Responsibility Friendship Excellence

Charterhouse Residential - 3rd - 5th July


On Wednesday 3rd please can all children arrive at normal school time and wait in the car park with their luggage. At 8:45am children will be taken to their classrooms for registration. The coach is due to arrive at 10am. Once the luggage is loaded, the children will get onto the coach and say their final goodbyes. Please give any medication to Mrs Butler and pass any additional information to Miss Franklin. We aim to leave by 10am so please feel free to stay and wave your child off. Photos will be taken and posted daily on the school Instagram account and on the website once we return to school. The coach is collecting us from Charterhouse at 1:30/2pm - we will keep you updated via Instagram or text to update you on our journey home. 




While away we will be encouraging the children to be resilient, independent and have fun! Please support your child over the next few days to develop these skills. We have had a chat today about being respectful and ensuring the children are paying full attention and always listening. Please can you remind your children of the expectations – it is important that they follow these in order to stay safe. If the children are not being safe or showing the school values, there will be a phone call home.



- Please ensure you have packed all items from the kit list (If you cannot provide anything please let us know).

- Children should help with packing their own bag so they are aware of how to pack it when we leave.

- Please can all items be named and labelled correctly. If lost items are found, they will be returned to school. 

- No phones or electronics 

- Children will be responsible for all items they take to Charterhouse. 

- Please provide children with a packed lunch for the first day and a reusable water bottle.



- The children were given an administering medication form if they need to take medicine. Please ensure this is completed and handed to Mrs Butler.

- All medication needs to be handed into school – it should not be left in the children’s bags.
