Subject Rationale for Physical Education
Being active not only improves health and improves concentration, but also promotes correct physical growth and development. Exercise has a positive influence on academic achievement, emotional stability and interaction with others. Physical Education (PE) develops the children’s knowledge and understanding of how their body works as well as increasing their confidence to perform in a range of physical activities.
At St. Anne’s CE Primary School we aim, through the teaching of PE in school, for all pupils to be physically active through the development of their agility and physical co-ordination and, ultimately, for them to foster a healthy attitude towards themselves. We believe in an approach to PE which values the efforts and contributions of all children. It engages children in purposeful and enjoyable physical activity and offers equal opportunities to all children.
How we teach and learn PE at St Anne’s.
In the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Physical Development is one of the seven areas of the curriculum and is used to develop a child's movement, handling of objects, understanding of their own body and health and levels of self-care. Children have opportunities to develop their physical skills through continuous provision and the outdoor environment. Children have access to a range of equipment to develop their hand and eye co-ordination as well as their fine and gross motor movements. They are encouraged to develop independence skills and manage their own self-care needs successfully.
At St Anne’s we plan our physical education curriculum in accordance with the National Curriculum. Plans are taken from Val Sabin’s PE scheme. We teach PE twice a week, this may be indoors or outdoors.
In KS1 In KS2
Games skills Games skills
Dance Outdoor and Adventurous Activities Swimming (School pool) Dance
Gymnastics Swimming (School Pool)
Athletics Gymnastics
To ensure coverage of the National Curriculum, Physical Education is planned for and taught discretely. A curriculum overview will outline what will be taught and where during the academic year. The long-term plan will show the progression of each area of PE from Reception through to Year 6 with the medium plan giving more detail on each of the areas. Medium term plans should be annotated and copies of plans from approved schemes given to the PE co-ordinator to aid the monitoring of skills progression between year groups. It will be the responsibility of each teacher to detail any changes to existing plans and monitor pupil progress/attainment levels. At the end of each unit the children will be assessed against the main objectives of the unit and this will remain in the PE planning folder to inform next steps and subsequent planning.
All lessons will be differentiated using the STEP model to accommodate all pupils.
Space - changing the size of the area the activity takes place in.
Task - adapting the task to suit the needs of the pupils.
Equipment - changing the size/texture/colour of.
People - using different groupings of the pupils and support assistants.
Children use a variety of equipment and/or apparatus to further develop skills in a meaningful and fun environment. Children will be taught how to correctly carry apparatus (in line with Safe Practice).
At St. Anne’s we aim to deliver an out of hours learning programme for all year groups in the school that provides opportunities for enrichment and extension to compliment the school’s curriculum. This will take place across the academic year and encompass a range of activities. The uptake of these clubs will be determined by parents and their children choosing to participate in the clubs provided. Clubs will be led by staff and outside agencies. Children will also be given the opportunity to participate in Inter-school/intra school tournaments and LEA festivals that take place throughout the year. Year groups are determined by the events South Gloucestershire run. Every effort will be made to make links with and promote community sports clubs to provide pupils with pathways to extend their sporting activities.
The teaching and learning of PE, is an excellent way for developing our pupil’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding. Pupils are encouraged to take responsibility and care when working with apparatus. PE activities promote social development as pupils work as a member of a group, showing respect for people. Children are encouraged to take inspiration from sporting legends from all cultures and societies.
How we celebrate our PE learning.
We use both formative and summative assessment information in our PE lessons. Assessment will be used to inform planning and to inform teachers of any children who may need extra intervention to improve their physical ability. At the end of every unit teachers will complete an assessment on each child stating if they are beginning, consolidating or secure within a specific skill.
Out of school sporting achievements will be celebrated during celebration assembly on a Friday. Children will have a chance to share their achievement with the rest of the school and receive their reward.
Every year St Anne’s holds a Sports day. The children are split into their coloured teams and compete in events either individually or as a team. The children can earn points for their coloured team which will be totalled up and added to the whole school point system.
Although sport is competitive we aim for children to not only compete against others but also themselves. Children are encouraged to challenge themselves during PE sessions to see if they can beat their previous score and therefore feel proud about their achievements.