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Star Writer

Star writer awards this week go to Mrs Page's writing group who have worked so hard both writing and editing their work. Well done you have all been stars and I really enjoyed reading your 'Beast of Dartmoor' chronological reports. 

Fantastic effort with your story about the beast on the moor. Well done.

What a fantastic story about Alma- you included atmosphere and tension. Well Done. 

Fantastic descriptive writing based on The Viewer.

Well done - your letter was really emotive and maintained a formal tone throughout - it looks like the tip will be closing!

Oliver continues to impress each week with his excellent writing. This week he wrote a convincing and powerful letter of complaint linked to our book, The Viewr.

Each week we will be looking for a Star Writer in each class. This will be someone who has shown real excellence in their writing and has reflected some of our 'Learning To Learn' characteristics in their approach to learning. 

Fantastic WW2 advert for an Anderson Shelter- well done!

Brilliant narrative based on our class text 'Rose Blanche'. Well done. 

Fantastic informal letter with emotive language.

Well done- fantastic letter, written in character, containing emotive language. 

Fantastic Diary Entry !

What a fantastic news report - Well done. 

What a brilliant eye witness report about a polar bear in Oldland Common!

Fantastic alternative ending to our class WW2 narrative. Well done.

Well done for your fantastic information about World War Two air raids. You included complex instructions too. 

Your wrote a fantastic set of complex instructions for constructing a periscope as part of our Science topic on light. Well done!

Well done on your fantastic biography of Sir Winston Churchill.

Great letter home writing in character as an evacuee. 

Star Writer

An excellent information leaflet on air raids written by Celia.

Nathan always shows great enthusiasm for writing.
