Our Values, Ethos and Vision
'Let your light shine before others' Matthew 5:15-16
At St Anne’s we provide a caring, happy and secure environment based upon Christian teachings and beliefs in which all members of the school community are equally valued and respected. We are committed to promoting enthusiasm for lifelong learning and encouraging everyone to be responsible members of the wider community.
Our Vision:
Our Vision for St Anne’s is to nurture and develop the whole child through our Christian values, enabling them to reach their full potential in all aspects of life.
Jesus taught us in the Sermon on the Mount 'let your lights shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven' Matthew 5: 15-16 and this important lesson underpins everything that we do. It helps us promote confidence, wisdom, aspiration, resilience and independence in every child. It is key in developing in every child. It is key in developing partnerships with parents, the local community and the church. It underpins the learning and environment in school and ties together Christian values.
Our Mission:
At St Anne’s we have developed these school values, so that we have a shared belief in what we want our school to represent. We want you to be able to feel and see them as you walk through the front door, from class to class, in the playground and beyond. You will see these values represented in our school badge which was designed by our School Council. The words are the values we feel the school develops in our children.
The colours are the colours of the 'houses' we have, of which each child is a member. Individually the children gain team points as rewards for hard work and effort; collectively they work in teams to gain further rewards.
The images are of two children - happily coming to school and being part of St Anne's, the candle symbolises the opportunity we present to our children and how their education will light up their futures. Also it represents Jesus as the light of the world. The fish symbol, Icthus, was a symbol used by Jesus' followers after his death. It has a secret message, in a code, which tells us that Jesus is God's son and our saviour.
At St Anne’s we show Respect, Responsibility and Friendship towards each other, our community and our world. Our aim is excellence for all.
celebrate, value and support each persons uniqueness
encourage all to be confident, caring, co-operative individuals with high self esteem
value and demonstrate and understanding of equality of opportunity for all
promote respect and care for the environment
encourage children to have a sense of pride in their work and all aspects of school life
develop an understanding of the responsibilities involved in living as part of the family, school, local and world community
encourage close co-operative relationships
appreciate and understand that the example and teachings of Christ provide a model for a caring and fulfilling life
have high expectations of all within the community
develop confidence to enable everyone to work independently and collaboratively
develop our children’s best potential in spirit, mind and body
enable our children to be highly motivated learners who achieve high standards to the best of their ability
provide a broad, balanced and creative curriculum relevant to individual needs
encourage our children to develop creative and innovative abilities
help our children set personal goals in all areas of life
equip our children with essential learning skills to be literate, numerate and skilled in ICT
recognise the need for physical well being and promote it throughout the curriculum
create a vibrant learning environment
help children to value and enjoy lifelong learning
equip children with the necessary skills for their personal, social and academic future.