Week beginning 10.7.23
It has been another busy week in EYFS. On Monday the children watched their Year 6 buddies perform ‘Superstan’, they put on a wonderful show. On Tuesday the children had their second shuffle up session in Year One and carried out a range of activities in their new classroom. On Wednesday/Thursday the children had another swim session, their first week with some rain but it didn’t stop the children enjoying their time in the pool. The children have also been consolidating their phonic knowledge and have been writing about their time in Reception. Reports have been sent home today, we hope you enjoying reading about their time in Reception and celebrating their successes. We hope you have a lovely weekend, The EYFS Team.
Week beginning 3.7.23
This week the children have been working on phase 4 in phonics, writing CVCC, CCVC and CCVCC words. The children went on a walk around school and created maps of the school for their enquiry challenge. The children took part in everybody writes day, writing a description of what would be behind a magical door. They also used their creativity to design their own doors. In the afternoon of everybody writes day the children went into year six to work with their buddies to decorate the class doors. Take a look at their wonderful work! Swimming sessions are going really well and the children are enjoying their time learning different skills with their swimming teacher.. We hope you have a lovely weekend, The EYFS Team.
Week beginning 26.6.23
This week the children have been working on phase 4 in phonics, writing CVCC, CCVC and CCVCC words. Following their local walk around Oldland, children wrote about what they saw on their journey. In maths, the children have been exploring capacity, comparing different containers using mathematical vocabulary. The children are doing really well with their swimming sessions, developing their confidence in the water and working on different techniques. In PE with our Up and Under Sports coach the children worked on aiming and throwing skills. The children were brilliant athletes during our sports day on Thursday, thank you for coming along to support the children. Class 1 enjoyed gardening this week with Mrs Pullin and have another session in July. Our PTA summer fayre takes place on Saturday 1st July 2023, 12pm-3pm. We hope you have a lovely weekend, The EYFS Team.
Week beginning 19.6.23
This week the children have been working on phase 4 in phonics, writing CVCC, CCVC and CCVCC words. Following their trip to the zoo, children wrote their own animal fact file. In maths, the children have been exploring weight using scales, comparing objects using mathematical vocabulary. The children are really enjoying their swimming sessions, becoming more confident and competent in the water. In PE with our Up and Under Sports coach the children worked on running techniques and practiced running a relay race in preparation for sports day. The children were very excited to release the class butterflies so we took them to the sensory garden and let them free. Class 2 enjoyed gardening this week with Mrs Pullin. Class 1 will be gardening next week. We hope you have a lovely weekend, The EYFS Team.
Week beginning 12.6.23
It has been a beautiful sunny week and the children have done well to manage in the heat. So on Friday they enjoyed a treat to cool them down. They are really enjoying their time in the swimming pool, developing their water confidence and swimming skills. In PE with our Up and Under Sports coach the children worked on their throwing, catching and aiming skills. The children welcomed some caterpillars into the classroom last week and have been observing the changes taking place. The warm weather has sped up the process. They are eagerly awaiting butterflies. We hope you have a lovely weekend, The EYFS Team.
Week beginning 5.6.23
Wow, what a busy week EYFS have had since coming back after the half term break! It has been a beautiful sunny week with lots of fun activities taking place. We started the week with Up and Under sports teaching athletics skills with a focus on types on jumping. Then had a great time at forest school, looking at the newly developed pond area, making dens and climbing trees followed by our first session in the school pool, learning and developing swimming techniques. Then to complete our week we went on our trip to Noah's Ark Zoo Farm. We had a brilliant day going on a coach, looking at the animals, spending our money in the gift shop, eating lunch and having a 'meet the creatures' workshop. Thank you for all your support this week and for accommodating all our requests for PE kit, forest school kit, swimming kit and school trip essentials. We hope you have a lovely weekend, the EYFS team.
Term 6 PE:
Class 1: Children to wear PE kit to school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Thursdays, please bring swimming kit into school, thank you.
Class 2: Children to wear PE kit to school on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Wednesdays, please bring swimming kit into school, thank you.
Week beginning 22.5.23
In maths, the children have been revisiting subtraction and developing their understanding of number facts. In phonics, the children have been reading and writing words with phase 3 digraphs and trigraphs as well as revising the sounds and HRS words taught. We have also been working on number formation and letter formation, saying the numeral and grapheme phrases for support. The children have enjoyed working and playing outside, making the most of the sunny weather. For term 6, on warm and sunny days please ensure your child brings a sunhat to school and has sun cream already applied. We hope you have a nice half term holiday, enjoy the sunshine, the EYFS Team.
Week beginning 15.5.23
In maths, the children have been revisiting subtraction and developing their understanding of number facts. In phonics, the children have been reading and writing words with phase 3 digraphs and trigraphs as well as learning two new HRS words children and love. We have also been working on number formation and letter formation, saying the numeral and grapheme phrases for support. The children were very busy at the start of the week preparing for their enquiry afternoon. The children across EYFS had fun making pitta pizzas, bread rolls, fruit sticks and biscuits. Thank you for coming along to the afternoon tea on Wednesday, it was lovely to welcome you all in to celebrate the children’s hard work this term. We hope you have a nice weekend, enjoy the sunshine, the EYFS Team.
Class photograph notice:
On Wednesday 17th May 2023 the school photographer will be in to take class photos.
Week beginning 8.5.23
In maths, the children have been revisiting addition and developing their understanding of number facts. In phonics, the children have been reading and writing words with phase 3 digraphs and trigraphs as well as learning three new HRS words little, one, do. We have also been working on number formation and letter formation, saying the numeral and grapheme phrases for support. The children have continued to learn about life cycles, plants and food to support their understanding of where food comes from. They have been busy preparing for the afternoon tea and look forward to welcoming you in on Wednesday afternoon. We have been given our forest school dates for term 6. Class 2 will have forest school on Tuesday 6th June 2023 and Class 1 on Thursday 8th June 2023. We hope you have a nice weekend, the EYFS Team.
Forest school notice for term 6:
Class 2 will have forest school on Tuesday 6th June 2023.
Class 1 will have forest school on Thursday 8th June 2023.
Please send your child into school wearing suitable clothes for forest school on their day. Long sleeves and long bottoms for climbing trees and they may get wet and muddy! The children can wear the wellies they have in school. If it is a hot day please ensure your child has suncream already applied and brings a sunhat into school. Thank you.
Week beginning 1.5.23
In maths, the children have been revisiting addition and developing their understanding of number facts. In phonics, the children have been reading and writing words with phase 3 digraphs and trigraphs as well as learning three new HRS words some, come, there. They enjoyed planting bean seeds as part of their enquiry work and wrote planting instructions. They are looking forward to watching them grow and bringing them home. The children had fun making celebratory crowns and flags. On Friday afternoon the children enjoyed a party on the field with the whole school to celebrate the King’s Coronation. We hope you enjoy the long bank holiday weekend and we will see you on Tuesday 9th May 2023, the EYFS Team.
Week beginning 24.4.23
This week the children have brought home invitations for our EYFS afternoon tea as part of their enquiry challenge. We look forward to welcoming you in to sit and enjoy some food delights prepared by the children. The children have been learning about seeds and enjoyed planting cress seed so they can observe the life cycle of a seed. Next week our focus is what do seeds need to grow? As part of our PSED unit on 'Relationships' the children have been talking and writing about being a good friend as well as drawing some of their class friends. In RE the children have been thinking about people special to them. In our class worship we have been thinking about forgiveness and have been reflecting on times when we have asked for forgiveness or have forgiven someone. In maths, the children have consolidated their knowledge of odd and even numbers. In phonics, the children have been reading and writing words with phase 3 digraphs and trigraphs as well as learning three new HRS words were, out, like. We hope you enjoy the long bank holiday weekend and we will see you on Tuesday 2nd May 2023, the EYFS Team.
Week beginning 17.4.23
It has been lovely welcoming the children back after the holiday. The children have been sharing their Easter holiday news, writing about the things they got up to. In maths, we have been looking at numerical patterns with a focus on odd and even numbers. In phonics, the children have learned three new HRS words said, so and have. They have also been reading and writing words with the phase 3 digraphs and practising letter formation. We have started to introduce our new enquiry, where does food come from? This week we looked at different types of food and food groups and the children enjoyed carrying out food survey's. We hope you have a nice weekend, the EYFS Team.
PE notice:
PE days will remain the same for term 5 (Tuesdays and Thursdays). Please send children into school in their PE kits on these days, thank you.
Week beginning 27.3.23
This week the children have engaged in a range of Easter activities, including making chocolate Easter nests, learning about the Easter story, going on an egg hunt and attending our Easter service. Thank you for coming along to parents evening, it was lovely to speak with you all on the progress of your child's journey in Reception and to show you their work. On Wednesday the children engaged in activities linked to autism awareness week. Class 1 enjoyed their time out in forest school, getting muddy and having fun! On Friday the children in Reception spent time with their year 6 buddies in the afternoon. We hope you all have a wonderful Easter break and we will see you back in school on Monday 17th April 2023. Our enquiry for next term is 'Where does food come from?'. Best wishes from the EYFS Team.
Newsletter notice:
World Autism Acceptance Week is taking place next week. On Wednesday 29th March we are asking the children to wear their own clothes to represent a "spectrum of colours". By everyone wearing a variety of colourful clothing, we are hoping that in each class room we will have a rainbow of colour.
Week beginning 20.3.23
On Monday the children had their health checks in school. They also had a dental hygiene talk from Vicky the school nurse which they found really interesting. On Wednesday the children attended a Wessex Water workshop and learnt about the importance of only flushing the 3 p's! On Thursday children in class 2 enjoyed their forest school session. Class 1 will have their session next week (Thursday 30th March 2023). In maths this week the children have been learning about sharing objects equally and exploring halving numbers. In phonics the children have been consolidating their phonic and HRS word knowledge. On Friday the children dressed in non-school uniform. Thank you for sending in chocolate eggs and goodies for the PTA Easter Eggstravaganza which take places next Wednesday after school. We hope you have a lovely weekend, the EYFS Team.
Week beginning 13.3.23
On Tuesday the children in EYFS enjoyed a special assembly led by author Andy Seed. We shared one of his books 'An Interview With a Tiger' last week and he used it as part of his workshop with the children. He told the children a story and taught them a couple of poems, which they enjoyed reciting back, especially as he added actions and drama. In maths this week the children have been consolidating their knowledge of doubling. In phonics they have learned three more sounds ure, er and ow (snow). On Friday the children enjoyed their walk to St Anne's Church and had a talk from Reverend Goodwin about the features of a Church and had a tour inside and outside the Church. Thank you for taking part in Red Nose Day on Friday to raise money for Comic Relief. We hope you have a lovely weekend, the EYFS Team.
Reading challenge news!
Congratulations to class 2 who were presented with the reading challenge trophy today. Their reward is a dance party. Keep up the great reading everyone and fingers crossed for class 1 or 2 to receive the trophy next week as the reward is hot chocolate with Mr Quinn!
Week beginning 6.3.23
This week the children have continued their learning about keeping healthy, they enjoyed cutting up different fruits and making their own fruit salad. They have also been drawing and writing about their favourite healthy foods and drew a healthy food plate. In phonics, the children learnt four new sounds ow, oi, ear and air and have been consolidating the HRS words taught. In maths, the children have been learning about doubling. We have focused on doubles to 10. Next week we will explore doubles to 20. On Friday 17th March 2023 it is a non-uniform day for Comic Relief. We will also go on our visit to St Anne's Church. We hope you have a nice weekend, the EYFS Team.
Reading challenge news!
Congratulations to class 2 who were presented with the reading challenge trophy today. Their reward is time on the trim trail. Keep up the great reading (4xweek) everyone and fingers crossed for class 1 or 2 to receive the trophy next week as the reward is a dance party!
Week beginning 27.2.23
For our enquiry 'How do I care for myself?' our focus has been 'exercise' this week. The children have been engaging in physical activities and sharing their favourite physical activities. Next week our focus is diet. We will be making and eating fruit salad as part of our work. Please let us know if your child had any allergies we are not already aware of. In phonics the children learnt four new sounds oo, ar, ur, or and the HRS words they, all, are. Phonics sheets have been sent home in reading folders for the children to engage with at home. In maths the children have been reading and solving subtraction number sentences and know the symbols for subtract and equals. We have also been consolidating number recognition and counting skills. Thursday was World Book Day and the children came into school wearing fantastic hats. In the morning the children completed activities based on their 'hat'. For the afternoon, a new book was purchased for EYFS 'An Interview With A Tiger' by Author Andy Seed. He will be coming into school soon to work with the children. The children painted a picture of an animal they would like to interview and look forward to showing him their work. He will be carrying out a small workshop activity with them when he visits. Have a great weekend, the EYFS Team.
Week beginning 20.2.23
It has been great to welcome the children back after the half term holiday. This week we have consolidated the previous sounds and HRS words taught and introduced the children to ‘oo’ the book nook. Activities have been sent home for the children to practise at home. In maths, we have taught subtraction/take away. Children are becoming familiar with the symbols for subtract and equals when reading and solving subtraction number sentences. Our enquiry this term is ‘How do I care for myself?’ This week we have focused on hygiene and hand washing. The children enjoyed our guided reading text ‘I Don’t Want to Wash My Hands’. Next Thursday is World Book Day, we look forward to seeing you all in your wonderful hats on Thursday 2nd March 2023. The children can wear their PE kit as normal. We hope you have a nice weekend.
World Book Day – Thursday 2nd March 2023
World Book Day is coming up and it is time to get ready to celebrate. We are encouraging all children to come into school wearing a World Book Day hat! This could either be a hat associated with a favourite book (e.g. a certain wizard’s hat!) or you could get creative and make your own (e.g. Cat in the Hat hat!). Perhaps you could even design and create a hat that shows and tells a story or represents a book cover! If you own the book your hat reflects, bring this along too as you will be taking part in activities based around the book of your choice. Please wear your school uniform along with your World Book Day hat on the day.
Teachers have been busy preparing many activities throughout the day that link with books and reading. We will also be exploring the work of author Andy Seed who we are fortunate enough to be welcoming to St Anne’s on the 14th of March. More details will follow on this.
Week beginning 6.2.23
This week the children have been fantastic author writers and author readers. They have written their own stories and we have enjoyed reading them. The children enjoyed dressing up on Friday to celebrate their 'What stories do we know?' enquiry and have enjoyed exploring lots of different traditional tales this term. The children also engaged in children's mental health week, carrying out different 'connection' activities and carrying out mindfulness tasks. Thank you for your ongoing support. We hope you have a lovely half term break and we will see you back at school on Tuesday 21st February 2023. The EYFS Team.
PE notice:
PE days will remain the same for term 4 (Tuesdays and Thursdays).
Half term holiday:
Feel Fab Feb holiday activity ideas can be found under the letters and information tab.
Children’s Mental Health Week – Let’s Connect - 6th-10th February 2023
Dress to Express Day – Monday 6th February 2023
Children are welcome to wear something which expresses an aspect of their lives or personalities e.g. a hobby, an extra-curricular activity, dressing up as a favourite character, a favourite colour or item of clothing.
EYFS traditional tale dress up day - Friday 10th February 2023
To celebrate our EYFS enquiry what stories do we know? the children can come to school on Friday 10th February 2023 dressed as their favourite fairy tale character. We look forward to seeing all the children’s wonderful outfits!
Week beginning 30.1.22
This week we have been reading and retelling the story of the Gingerbread Man. The children have planned their own stories ready to write next week. In phonics, the children have been consolidating the sounds and HRS words taught so far as well as blending and segmenting CVC, CVCC and CCVC words. In maths, we have been learning about number bonds to 10, finding all the ways to make 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Please help your child practise their recall of number bonds to 10. On Friday the children took part in NSPCC number day and engaged in a range of activities. We hope you have a lovely weekend. The EYFS Team.
Week beginning 23.1.23
This week we have been reading and retelling the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Next week is storytelling week. As part of storytelling week and our enquiry the children will be creating story maps ready to write their own stories. In phonics, the children have learned four new sounds, ai, ee, igh and oa and the HRS words was and her. Next week, we will be revising and consolidating the sounds and HRS words taught so far. Please keep practising them at home too. In maths, we have been learning about number bonds, finding all the ways to make 2, 3, 4 and 5. Please help children recall number bonds to 5. Next week we will look at number bonds to 10. In PE, the children have been travelling in different ways and have been working with hoops and quoits to develop their aiming, throwing and catching skills. We hope you have a lovely weekend. The EYFS Team.
NSPCC Number Day
On 3.2.23 the children will be taking part in the NSPCC Number Day where the children will be given the opportunity to apply their maths skills to everyday scenarios, whilst raising money for the NSPCC – a fantastic cause. The children will be able to come to school dressed as a digit for a small donation (£1) which will go to the charity. This could be an item of clothing with a number on it such as a favourite sports top or cap, or even your favourite onesie. Or why not get more creative and design a unique t-shirt, hat or even become a human-sized calculator or dice! During the day, the children will take part in a range of fun maths activities.
Week beginning 16.1.23
This week the children enjoyed learning about Chinese New Year as part of a mini enquiry. They learned about cultural traditions and had the opportunity to eat rice, noodles and prawn crackers. They really enjoyed the story of 'The Great Race', learning about how the Chinese calendar came about. As part of maths they learned about ordinal numbers, putting the animals in order from 1st-12th. The children liked finding out about their zodiac animal and wrote about whether they were born in the year of the dog or the rooster. They also created story maps and engaged in role-play retelling the story as well as making paper dragons and dancing to music.
In phonics the children learned four more sounds, sh, th, ng, nk and the HRS word push. Next week we return to our big enquiry 'What stories do we know' and our fairy tale focus will be Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
Week beginning 9.1.23
This week we have been reading the Three Little Pigs as part of our 'What stories do we know?' enquiry. The children have been author writers, creating wanted posters and describing the wolf. They have also been engineers, designing their own houses. The children have been mathematicians, learning addition. We have focused on finding the total of two groups by adding them together and counting carefully to see how many there are altogether. They have been reading, writing and solving simple number sentences and becoming familiar with the symbols for add and equals. In phonics the children have learnt four more sounds, y, z, zz, qu and ch and three more HRS words, we, me and be. Class 2 won the reading challenge for EYFS and KS1 last week. The children were able to swap learning spaces this week as the reward. Class 12 were the winners in KS2.
Have a great weekend, the EYFS Team.
Literacy workshop
Thank you for attending our literacy workshop. The presentation and information can be found under the teaching and learning tab, literacy. You will also find the actions for the digraphs and trigraphs we teach.
Please come and see us if you have any questions regarding phonics, reading and writing.
Week beginning 2.1.23
Happy New Year! It was lovely to welcome the children back to school on Wednesday. Over the past few days the children have been busy learning four news sounds j, v, w and x alongside some new HRS words, he, she and buses. We have started to introduce the children to our new enquiry this term, what stories do we know? Our challenge at the end of the term is to create a class book of short stories. This week we have been reading and retelling the story of Little Red Riding Hood as well as exploring other traditional tales. PE begins next week, children should come into school wearing their PE kit on Tuesday and Thursday. We hope you have a nice weekend. The EYFS Team.
PE notice:
EYFS will have PE on a Tuesday and Thursday in term 3. Please send children into school in their school PE kit on both days. Thank you.
Week beginning 12.12.22
On Monday the children thoroughly enjoyed their cosiness day to celebrate their learning this term. On Tuesday the children liked wearing their festive clothing and tucked into their Christmas dinner / packed lunch. On Wednesday it was lovely to see many of the children at the disco showing off their dance moves to Mr Quinn's DJ playlist. On Thursday the children enjoyed wearing their party clothes to school and enjoyed different party games. On Friday the children went to the Christmas service in the hall and enjoyed a festive film in the afternoon. Thank you for all your support this term. Get better soon to the children who have been off unwell. We hope you all have a lovely festive break and look forward to seeing you back in school on Wednesday 4th January 2023! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Best wishes from the EYFS Team.
Dates for your diary:
🎄Monday 12th - EYFS COSINESS DAY (please see separate letter).
⭐️Tuesday 13th - CHRISTMAS JUMPER DAY (school uniform bottoms and shoes please) and CHRISTMAS DINNER (no other food options available today so please provide a packed lunch if your child is not having a Christmas Dinner).
🎁Wednesday 14th - school uniform during the day. SCHOOL DISCO (party clothes) 5:15-6:15pm.
🎅🏽Thursday 15th - CLASS CHRISTMAS PARTY (your child may wear party clothes to school but please ensure they have sensible footwear, no heels and clothes appropriate for the weather).
⛄️Friday 16th - school uniform. End of term.
Week beginning 5.12.22
This week the children have performed 'Prickly Hay' to a number of audiences. They were wonderful angels and stars during their dance performances and enjoyed singing along to the songs with actions. The children have been revising all the sounds and HRS words taught this week. They have been writing Christmas lists using their phonic knowledge and have been busy making Christmas cards. The children are looking forward to their cosiness day on Monday which they very much deserve after a very busy few weeks and to celebrate all their learning this term. We hope the children can have a restful weekend and we look forward to a week of fun and festivities together before we break up for Christmas. The EYFS Team.
Week beginning 28.11.22
This week the children have continued to rehearse for their 'Prickly Hay' performance. Thank you to you all for providing their costumes for next week, the children are looking forward to having you as their audience, enjoy the show! The children enjoyed watching the year 5 and 6 production, especially as their buddies were centre stage! Next week they will watch the year 3 and 4 production and the rest of the school and pre-school will be watching our dress rehearsal on Monday. The children have learnt more sounds and HRS words this week, please help them practise at home to support their reading and writing. The children have enjoyed subitising activities in maths this week, dominoes and dice games are a great way to help them instantly recognise an amount/number. We hope you have a lovely weekend, the EYFS Team.
Week beginning 21.11.22
This week we have been in the hall and on stage putting together our Christmas performance with Y1 and Y2. The children in EYFS have been practising their dance and the songs we will be singing. Please ensure performance clothing is in by Friday 2nd December 2022 ready for our dress rehearsal.
As part of our enquiry 'What is dark/ness?' the children have been writing a 'recipe for cosiness'. We are working towards making a class den with the children and incorporating some of their ideas as an end of enquiry challenge.
In maths, we focused on 1:1 counting correspondence, counting and moving objects carefully.
In phonics, we have taught ck, e, u, r and the HRS words to, go, into. Please keep practising the sounds and words regularly at home as they will continue to build up and it is important they keep consolidating all the ones they have learnt so far.
The children have been working on Christmas enterprise projects to sell on our EYFS stall at the PTA Christmas Fayre on Friday 2nd December 2022. Please come along to support us and help raise money for St Anne's.
Have a nice weekend, the EYFS Team.
EYFS notice:
Thursday 1st December 2022 is a non-uniform day for tombola items for the PTA Christmas Fayre.
Week beginning 14.11.22
This week the children have engaged in activities as part of anti-bullying week. On Monday the children wore their odd socks and went to an assembly led by school council. In class the children have been talking about kindness and thought about who they can go to for support should they need to. They created a poster to be displayed around the school.
In maths we have continued to look at the composition of number with a focus on 6-10.
In phonics we have taught g, o, c, k and the HRS words out, of, is. Please keep practising the sounds and words regularly at home as they will continue to build up and it is important they keep consolidating all the ones they have learnt so far.
We have been practising daily for the Christmas production, learning the songs along with actions and putting together a dance to perform on stage to you all. Please send clothing in by Friday 2nd December 2022 in a named bag, thank you.
Next week we are looking forward to welcoming you in for our stay and play sessions. Friday 25th November 2022 is a non-uniform day for tombola items for the PTA Christmas Fayre.
We hope you have a lovely weekend. The EYFS Team.
Week beginning 7.11.22
We have enjoyed a wonderful 'Book Week' engaging in different book themed activities. The children looked amazing in their costumes on Thursday and it was lovely to welcome so many back for book at bedtime. The children also enjoyed reading with their year six buddies. In the phonics the children have learned i, n, m, d and I, the, no. We have sent home the next set of activity sheets for your child to practise with you. In maths we have been focusing on the composition of number and looking at what the number looks like in different contexts and how numbers are made up of other numbers. In RE we are starting to look at special times and celebrations for ourselves and others. In PSED we are thinking about what makes us special and unique. Next week the children will engage in anti-bullying week activities and on Monday 14th November 2022 the children can wear odd socks to school. Friday 18th November 2022 is non-uniform for Children in Need 2022.
Week beginning 31.10.22
It has been a shorter week with the two inset days at the beginning of the week. We have started teaching phase 2 sounds using a phonics programme called Essential Letters and Sounds. This week the children learned s, a, t and p. They have brought home a home learning folder which includes activities for your child to engage with at home. We will organise a date for parents/carers to come in for a phonics workshop. We have started to listen to the songs will will be performing for our Christmas production. Our collective worship value for the term is truthfulness. Next week is book week and the children will engage in different book week activities planned by Miss Rankin our Reading lead. We look forward to the children dressing up on Thursday and then returning to school for book at bedtime.
PE notice:
EYFS will have PE on a Tuesday and Thursday in term 2. Please send children into school in their PE kit on both days. As we are approaching Christmas we will start practising for our production so some of our PE slots will be used for rehearsals. Our main focus in PE will be dance, learning a routine for the performance. We will inform you if the children do not need to wear PE kit when there are special events or themed days. Thank you.
Week beginning 17.10.22
It was lovely to speak with you all for parent’s evening this week. The children have settled really well into school and we look forward to an exciting term 2 with the Christmas build up! This week the children have continued their ‘What is Harvest’ enquiry and on Friday completed their challenge of making bread rolls. We also created a class loaf and plait and shared it together in class, it was yummy! We hope the children enjoy their bread rolls at home. The children also had a fantastic time at forest school with their year 6 buddies this week, building shelters, climbing trees, playing in the mud kitchen, bug hunting and eating toasted smores. On Thursday some of the children in class 2 had the opportunity to work in the sensory garden with Mrs Pullin, fulfilling lots of different autumn tidy up jobs. We hope you all have a fantastic half term, thank you for your support this term. We will see you all on Wednesday 2nd November 2022! The EYFS Team.
Week beginning 10.10.22
This week we began our 'What is Harvest?' enquiry. The children have been learning about Harvest in the UK and around the world. Thank you to those of you who could join us for the Harvest service on Friday. Photographs took place over two days, apologies for confusion between the dates. Please check reading folders for the photography slips. In maths, the children have been learning to compare and order objects by size, height, length and to use mathematical language. In literacy, we shared the story 'Pumpkin Soup' and many children have been acting out and retelling the story, making puppets and story books. They have been creating Harvest pictures with mixed media too. The children may come home and share that they did a Christmas card design. Yes that is right! It may only be October but Christmas will soon come round. Here at St Anne's the children across the school produce a card design each, their designs are sent off and a prototype is created. Each child will then bring home an example of their Christmas card. You then have the opportunity to purchase packs of cards, gift tags etc in time for Christmas! We look forward to speaking with you all at parents evening next week. A reminder that on Tuesday class 1 have forest school and on Thursday class 2 have forest school. Friday is non-uniform day for Diabetes UK and we are hoping to make bread to compliment our learning about Harvest. Have a nice weekend, the EYFS team.
Photograph notice:
The school photographer is scheduled to come into school to take individual/sibling photographs on Wednesday 12th October 2022.
Week beginning 3.10.22
This week the children have continued to explore shape and pattern in maths. Can they show you some repeating patterns at home or outside or spot 2D shapes in the environment? If they do, send us an Evidence Me observation, we would love to see how they are teaching you at home! The focus in phonics has been oral blending and segmenting and listening to the beginning sounds in words. As part of our enquiry 'Who are we?' children have been creating all about me booklets/posters. On Thursday the children took part in National Poetry Day. Class 1 and 2 learned a poem called 'Sun Kenning' and performed it together. They also created some artwork in response to the poem. Another group of children in Class 1 visited the garden and carried out lots of important jobs with Mrs Pullin. Next week our new enquiry is 'What is Harvest?'. Have a lovely weekend. The EYFS Team.
Wow notice:
Your child will be bringing home a ‘wow’ note, if they do something that you feel is a ‘wow’ moment please fill it in and tell us about it so they can share it with the class and we can celebrate it. We will add them to our class display wall.
Week beginning 26.9.22
This week the children have been listening to rhyming stories and engaging in rhyming activities. When reading to your child at home encourage them to listen for words that sound the same. In maths the children have been exploring 2D shape and have also been making repeating patterns. In PE we have been focusing on balancing skills and underarm throwing skills using beanbags. In RE we have been talking about groups we belong to such as our family, school, class, gym group, football club etc. In PSED we have been talking about being at school and how we can be helpful and a good friend. As part of our 'Who are we?' enquiry this term we have read three key texts this week to support our activities. We read Elmer and talked about the importance of being ourselves. We read 'Incredible You' and talked about being special and the things we are good at. We also shared the text 'Mixed' and talked about being unique. The children explored different paints and colour mixing. They had lots of fun experimenting with the paint! We are very lucky that Mrs Pullin who recently retired from running the after school club has offered her time to come in and work with the children in the garden. She will take a group each week so all the children will get the opportunity over time. Some children from class 1 went this week and had a wonderful time. We hope you have a nice weekend. The EYFS Team.
Forest school notice:
Class 1 will have forest school on Tuesday 18th October 2022.
Class 2 will have forest school on Thursday 20th October 2022.
Please send your child into school wearing suitable clothes for forest school on their day. Long sleeves and long bottoms for climbing trees and they may get wet and muddy! The children can wear the wellies they have in school. We plan for the children to have hot chocolate and a toasted marshmallow. Please let us know if your child has any dietary requirements that we are not already aware of, thank you.
PTA disco notice:
Our summer disco in July was unable to take place due to the heatwave. It has been rearranged and Reception have brought home a letter inviting them to attend. It details payment and the slip needs to be completed and returned. For EYFS and KS1 the disco will take place on Wednesday 12th October 2022, 5.15pm-6.15pm.
EYFS notice:
New document added to the teaching and learning tab, this week in EYFS. You will find a document which details what is taking place in EYFS each week.
EYFS reading notice:
The children were given their first book on Friday. Please read as often as you can with your child. We encourage the children to read their book four times. Please record in the diary each time your child has read to an adult. We have a whole school reading challenge. Each week we total up the number of children achieving the reading challenge (read four times or more) and this information is collected by the reading monitors in our school. Miss Rankin our reading lead will award the reading challenge trophy each week to the winning class. Please send reading folders into school every day. Book change takes place on a Friday. Your child's book will be changed once it has been read four times. Thank you.
Week beginning 19.9.22
The children are now in full time and have had a busy week getting to know each other. Thank you to those of you who could attend the EYFS welcome to the year meeting on Tuesday. We have added the information shared under our 'letters and information' tab. Please come and see us if you have any questions.
This week the children have taken part in different listening activities involving sound, music and instruments.
The weather has been kind to us so we have been enjoying time outside. In RE we have been thinking about what makes us special and shared the children's special stars. We also talked about being unique, looked at our finger prints and made mini me's in our floor book using our finger and thumb prints. In PSED we have been talking about different emotions and made calming bottles to keep in drawers. On Friday the children had their first PE session. We discussed why PE is important, carried out some warm up activities and developed our balance and coordination skills using beanbags. During collective worship the children have been exploring the the value of friendship and in hymn practise the children have started to learn songs for Harvest. Enjoy the sunshine over the weekend. The EYFS Team.
EYFS notice 16.9.22:
For term one EYFS will have PE on a Friday. Please send your child into school in their PE kit on this day.
This will start week beginning 20.9.22. Our first session will be Friday 23.9.22. Please note the PE day/s may change each term and we will communicate this information with you. Children should be coming in wearing school colour PE kit, no branded clothing, suitable footwear with no laces please. Long hair should be tied back and earrings taped or removed, thank you.
Week beginning 12.9.22
This week the children have been engaging in a range of listening activities to develop their listening and attention skills. They visited the sensory garden and spiritual garden to listen to environmental sounds. They used drum 'sticks' to create different sounds and make music. The children have continued to explore the classroom and the resources in the outdoor buildings. We have seen some great engineers working with the construction equipment outside and some great artists inside the classroom experimenting with paint and crayon. The children who attended school in the morning got to meet their buddies, went to collective worship, singing practise and whole school celebration assembly this week.
School is closed on Monday due to the bank holiday. We will see you all on Tuesday 20th September 2022. Our EYFS welcome to the year meeting will take place on Tuesday 20th September 2022 at 2.30pm. Please wait at the pedestrian gate by the carpark for the meeting. For those of you who are unable to attend we will make the information available to you after the meeting. Do come and see us if you have any questions. Have a nice weekend, The EYFS Team.
EYFS notice 12.9.22:
Due to the bank holiday on Monday 19th September 2022, our EYFS welcome to the year meeting will now take place on Tuesday 20th September 2022 at 2.30pm. We hope to see as many of you as possible. Should you not be able to attend, please feel free to send a representative on your behalf. We will also make the information available on our EYFS webpage. Please come and see us in person or get in touch by phone (01454 862500) or email (office@stannesprimaryschool.org.uk) if you have any questions before or after the meeting. The EYFS Team.
We are holding tours for parents/carers of children starting school in September 2023. Information and tour dates can be found under 'key information', 'admissions - applying for a place at St Anne's 2023'.
Every Friday Mr Quinn presents certificates in our whole school assembly to two individual children from each class across the school for their achievement in school that week. This week we felt that all the children in EYFS were deserving of an award for starting their primary school journey and for settling in so well. We are proudly displaying the certificates in class. Well done class 1 and class 2!
Week beginning 5.9.22
It was wonderful welcoming the children into school and we have enjoyed getting to know one another.
The children have been exploring the outdoor and indoor provision and resources and we have established class rules and routines to work together as a class team. The children have been on a walk around the school, finding different places such as the hall, library, school office, Mr Quinn's office and friends, siblings and buddy classes. The children in the morning session have been to collective worship, singing practise and whole whole assembly as well as staying for lunch. They have also met their year 6 buddies and went out to play in the big playground. The children have been artists this week painting self-portraits for our corridor display and made helping hands to be displayed when they take on different job roles within class. We hope the children have enjoyed their first week at school and look forward to seeing you all on Monday.
It was lovely to see many of you during our school visits on Thursday and Friday to support the children's transition to school. We hope you have had a nice weekend and starting school preparation has gone well. We are looking forward to the children starting on Monday and seeing them in their uniform. Our door is always open so please do come and see us and have a chat anytime. We will communicate with parents/carers on our EYFS webpage and through Evidence Me once all set up. Other communications will come from the school office. Please ensure all forms have been returned and do let us know if contact details change throughout the year so we can update our records. The EYFS Team