Term 6 PE
Both classes will have swimming on Monday mornings in our school swimming pool. Children can wear PE kit into school on this day. Please ensure children bring their swimming costumes, towel and goggles into school in a bag, named. Any jewellery must be removed, long hair tied back and a swimming cap is recommended for long hair.
Our second PE slot for the week will be every Friday afternoon, outdoors. Please can children come into school in their PE kit. The session will be on the field so old trainers are recommended in case it is muddy!
Forest school for Year 2 will take place in Term 6 on these dates:
Class 5 - Tuesday 27th June and Tuesday 4th July.
Class 6 - Thursday 29th June and Thursday 6th July.
Please bring wellies, waterproof clothes, coats, sunhats, sun cream etc dependent on weather! Long trousers and long sleeves are still required even in hot weather to protect from stinging nettles and tics.
We would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Thank you for all of the very kind cards, gifts and Christmas wishes, we very much appreciate them.
Next term, both classes have PE on a Wednesday (Indoors) and Friday (Outdoors) please wear PE kit on these days. This will be starting on the first day back - Wednesday 3rd January.
Please note there is no homework over the Christmas holidays!
Many thanks,
The Year 2 Team
Term 2:
In Term 2, PE lessons will change to Mondays and Tuesdays for both classes.
Forest school sessions will be held later in Term 2:
Class 5 – TUESDAYS – 29th Nov, 6th and 13th December.
Class 6 – THURSDAYS – 24th Nov, 1st and 8th December
Please see all homework from Term 1 in the 'Homework' folder below.
Please note - next week PE returns to normal due to the end of our blocks of Swimming and Forest Schools.
PE kits need to be worn to school on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Many thanks,
the Year 2 team.
Welcome to Year 2!
We are very much looking forward to the start of term on Thursday. We hope that you have all had a great summer. At 8:40am each day, we will greet you on the playground ready to enter the classrooms when the bell rings at 8:45am. Please do come and see us if you have any questions.
We will be holding a 'Welcome to Year Two' meeting for parents on Tuesday 13th September at 3:35pm.
Term 1 Information:
PE for Class 5 and Class 6 will be on a Wednesday. Please come to school wearing correct PE kit (no football kits, bright clothing, branded sports wear) with long hair tied back and earrings removed.
We will continue swimming in Term 1. Both classes 5 and 6 will swim on a Tuesday. Please can children bring their swimming kit to school.
Forest School sessions will take place in Term 1:
Class 5 - Thursdays - 29th Sep, 6th and 13th Oct.
Class 6 - Tuesdays - 27th Sep, 4th and 11th Oct.
Please bring Forest School clothing to school in a named bag including wellies, waterproof coat, warm clothing (must have long sleeves), hat/sun hat as appropriate.
Staff in Year Two:
Class 5 - Teacher: Miss Rankin, Teaching Assistant: Mrs Miller
Class 6 - Teachers: Mrs Pearce (Mon-Thur) and Miss Clements (Thur-Fri), Teaching Assistant: Miss Gast
Year 2 Reading Assistant: Miss Dowding (Wed - Fri)