A very special thank you to Mrs Bruce for all of her hard work and support over the last two and a half years here at St Anne's. She has taught, supported and nurtured so many children, enabling them to build the foundations for their future learning and successes. Mrs Bruce has brought wonderful enthusiasm for learning and creative ideas to EYFS. We would like to wish Mrs Bruce all the very best for the future and for her new ventures. We will stay in touch and you will see her around the school as her daughter attends. Thank you for your support and kind wishes.
Week beginning 3.7.24
This week as part of our enquiry 'what makes a great story?' the children have been writing and illustrating their own stories. Next week they will share them with each other from Pear and Apple Class. The children have enjoyed acting out and retelling our focus fairytale 'The Gingerbread Man'. Next Thursday is our fairy tale dress up day. We look forward to seeing different characters in our classes! In phonics, we have been focusing on reading longer words and reading words containing the digraphs and trigraphs taught. Please help the children to consolidate the sounds and tricky words taught so far. In maths, the children have been exploring more, less and equal to. They have also continued to develop their shape, space and measure knowledge through our work on 3D shape. There is a 3D shape song the children can sing at home, the words are under our maths resources tab. The children have been artists when creating a landscape collage and have been resilient engineers when making their bookmarks this week. They enjoyed watching their year six buddies perform their class assembly on Friday. Thank you for supporting NSPCC Number Day too! We hope you have a nice weekend.
Week beginning 27.1.24
This week as part of our enquiry 'what makes a great story?' the children have created story maps ready to write their own stories next week. The children have enjoyed acting out and retelling our focus fairytale 'Jack and the Beanstalk'. In phonics, we have continued teaching phase 3 and the children have been introduced to two new sounds er and air and three new tricky words are, sure and pure. Please help the children to consolidate the sounds and tricky words taught so far. In maths, the children have exploring the composition of 6 and 7, finding all the different ways to make 6 and 7 (number bonds). They have also been developing their shape, space and measure knowledge through our work on 3D shape with a with a particular focus on cubes and cuboids this week. There is a 3D shape song the children can sing at home, the words are under our maths resources tab. The children have been artists when creating a collage with mixed media and transient art using loose parts. They have also been designing their own bookmarks ready to make next week. We hope you have a lovely weekend.
Week beginning 20.1.24
This week as part of our enquiry 'what makes a great story?' we looked at characters and settings. The children have enjoyed acting out and retelling our focus fairytale 'The Three Little Pigs'. In phonics, we have continued teaching phase 3 and the children have been introduced to three new digraphs ur, ow, oi and the trigraph ear and three new tricky words my, by, all. Please help the children to consolidate the phonemes and tricky words taught so far. In maths, the children have exploring the composition of 5 and finding all the different ways to make 5 (number bonds). They have also been developing their shape, space and measure knowledge through our work on 3D shape with a with a particular focus on sphere, cylinder and cone. The children have been artists when painting to music and expressing their own ideas and have been engineers when exploring sewing techniques. Thank you for coming along to watch the children present their class assembly and retell the story of Noah, sharing the importance of peace and kindness.
We hope you have a nice weekend.
Week beginning 13.1.24
This week as part of our enquiry 'what makes a great story?' we looked at the role of an illustrator and author. The children engaged with a draw with Rob and showed great focus and resilience. They have also enjoyed acting out and retelling 'Little Red Riding Hood'. In phonics, we have continued teaching phase 3 and the children have been introduced to new four new digraphs oo (moon), oo (book), ar and or and three new tricky words was, you and they. Please help the children to consolidate the phonemes and tricky words taught so far. In maths, the children have been finding one more than a given number and have been exploring the staircase pattern, numbers getting bigger each time. They have also been developing their shape, space and measure knowledge through our work on time with a particular focus on day and night and daily routines. As well as sequencing events in stories and looking at the beginning, middle and end.
The children have been artists outdoors this week, using mud paint and natural materials as paintbrushes. They have also been developing their weaving skills and this week carried out paper weaving.
We hope you have a lovely weekend.
Week beginning 6.1.24
It was lovely to welcome the children back after the Christmas break. We started our new enquiry 'what makes a great story?' with a focus on our first fairy tale 'Goldilocks'. The children enjoyed making puppets and retelling and acting out the story. In phonics, we have started teaching phase 3 and the children have been introduced to three new digraphs ai, ee, oa and the trigraph (three letters that make one sound) igh. Please help the children to consolidate the phonemes taught so far. In maths, the children have been subitising and using spatial language to describe sub groups to deepen their understanding of part-whole and composition of number. In PE on Wednesday the children worked on their travelling skills and on Friday worked on their dance skills. We hope you have a nice weekend.
Week beginning 16.12.24
It has been a very festive week in EYFS! Pear and Apple class had lots of fun with their class elves. They wore their reindeer headdresses and took part in a reindeer dash outside. They both enjoyed their forest school session on Tuesday, toasting marshmallows to make s'mores. They also built dens and climbed trees. In phonics, the children have been reading words with 's' at the end. They learnt three new tricky words we, me, be. Please help the children to consolidate the phonemes, digraphs and tricky words taught so far. In maths, the children have been revisiting 2D shape and also explored positional language. On Wednesday, the children came along to watch the teachers take part in a teacher Christmas quiz hosted by Mrs Parfitt. They then enjoyed their Christmas dinner with crackers. On Thursday the children learnt about Christingle and made their own. They then took them along to a Christingle service led by Reverend Goodwin. In the afternoon we had our class Christmas parties and the children enjoyed lots of dancing. Thank you for your kind gifts and wishes. We hope you all have a lovely Christmas and best wishes. The EYFS Team.
Upcoming dates:
Monday 9th December 2024 - Apple Class visiting Little Croft Care Home
Tuesday 10th December 2024 - Pear Class visiting Little Croft Care Home
Thursday 12th December 2024 - EYFS cosiness day. please see separate letter sent home. it is also on our webpage under letters and information.
Tuesday 17th December 2024 - Pear and Apple Class have a forest school session
Tuesday 17th December 2024 - In school the children will take part in a reindeer skip and dash.
Tuesday 17th December 2024 - Carol service at St Anne's Church 6pm
Wednesday 18th December 2024 - Wear a sprinkle of Christmas
Wednesday 18th December 2024 - Christmas dinner
Thursday 19th December 2024 - Christingle activity
Thursday 19th December 2024 - Class Christmas parties
Week beginning 9.12.24
It has been another busy week for us in EYFS! Pear and Apple class had a lovely time visiting Little Croft Care Home in Oldland Common. They enjoyed singing their Baarmy Bethlehem songs to the residents as well as making them Christmas cards and hanging decorations. They have been invited back to visit the residents again. The children have made Christmas cards for school council to deliver to the local community. Jingles and Elvis the class elves have continued to cause mischief in Pear and Apple classes. In phonics, the children have learned four new digraphs sh, th, ng, nk. They have also learned four new tricky words he, she, push, of. Please help the children to consolidate the phonemes, digraphs and tricky words taught so far. In maths, the children have been matching numeral to quantity using 1:1 correspondence. We hope you have a lovely weekend.
Week beginning 2.12.24
It has been another busy week for us in EYFS! On Monday we were greeted by a class elf who has been causing mischief in class! Jingles the elf lives in Pear Class and Elvis the elf lives in Apple Class. We had a great time performing Baarmy Bethlehem to Oldland Pre-School, the whole school and to you at home. Thank you for coming to watch and for all your support. In phonics, the children have learned the phoneme z and three digraphs zz, qu and ch. They have also learned four new tricky words no, go, to, into. Please help the children to consolidate the phonemes, digraphs and tricky words taught so far. In maths, the children have continued exploring part, whole and have been exploring spatial arrangements that can be made with different combinations of the same number of objects. For example five in a row, five in a diagonal, five in a die formation. On Tuesday the children watched KS1 perform Lights, Camel, Action and then watched the Y5&6 performance on Friday afternoon. We hope you have a nice weekend.
Week beginning 25.11.24
It has been another busy week in EYFS! We welcomed Miss Cook and Miss Stringer who joined us from SBL. They carried out their work experience with us during the week and the children enjoyed working alongside them. We thank them for their help and support during the week. Mr Burr also visited us on Tuesday and Wednesday to see the teaching and learning that takes place at St Anne's. In phonics the children have learned four new phonemes v, w, x, y and four new tricky words and, has, his, her. Please help the children to consolidate the phonemes, digraphs and tricky words taught so far. In maths, the children have continued exploring part, whole and have been exploring spatial arrangements that can be made with different combinations of the same number of objects. For example four in a row, four in a diagonal, four in a die formation. We have our dress rehearsal to the school and Oldland Pre-School on Monday. We then look forward to sharing 'Baarmy Bethlehem' with you all on Tuesday and Wednesday. Thank you for coming along to support our PTA Christmas Fayre and helping us to raise funds for the school. We hope you have a lovely weekend.
EYFS notice:
We are looking forward to welcoming you to our EYFS phonic workshop on Tuesday 26th November 2024 at 2.30pm.
Week beginning 18.11.24
On Monday we went on an autumn walk around the sensory garden and looked at autumnal features. The weather was certainly autumnal, good job we had our coats and wellies! We have been busy practising for our upcoming Christmas performance of Baarmy Bethlehem and look forward to sharing it with you. In phonics, the children have been introduced to three new digraphs ff, ll, ss and the phoneme j. They have been taught four new tricky words put, pull, full, as. Supporting materials have been sent home in reading folders. Please help the children to consolidate the phonemes, digraphs and tricky words taught so far. In maths, the children have been exploring part, whole. Looking at how things are made of parts and when together make a whole. Then following this we have started to explore how numbers are made up of different numbers. For example, 1 and 1 makes 2, 2 and 1 makes three. On Thursday Apple class went out with their buddies to forest school and had lots of fun! We hope you have a nice weekend.
Week beginning 11.11.24
We have had another busy week in EYFS. The children started their week learning about Remembrance and attended our Remembrance service led by Reverend Bruce Goodwin. We were also fortunate to welcome Des who played the trumpet for the last post. It has also been anti-bully week with the theme 'choose respect'. We talked about kindness and enjoyed learning a kindness song. On Tuesday the children took part in Interfaith Day and this years theme was celebrating with light. In phonics, the children have been introduced to four new phonemes h, b, f and l and the tricky word the. Supporting materials have been sent home in reading folders. Please help the children to consolidate the phonemes and tricky words taught so far. In maths, the children have been exploring more than, fewer than and the same as and also learned about 2D shapes (squares and rectangles). On Thursday Pear class went out with their buddies to forest school and had lots of fun! On Friday the children came to school dressed in yellow, spots and Pudsey attire, they looked fab, thank you for your support. We hope you have a lovely weekend.
Week beginning 4.11.24
We have had a busy first week back after half term. We started our new enquiry 'what is dark/ness?' and explored Bonfire Night traditions and talked about how to keep safe. We also explored space and took part in a space workshop led by Drama 4 All. In phonics, the children have been introduced to a new digraph (two letters that make one sound) ck and three new phonemes e, u and r and the tricky word I. Supporting materials have been sent home in reading folders and can be found on our webpage. Please help the children to consolidate the phonemes taught so far. We have also started sending home our new reading scheme books linked to Little Wandle Letters and Sounds. In maths, the children have been exploring 5 and learned about 2D shapes (circles and triangles). On Friday the children came to school dressed as robots and rock stars to support TTRS and Numbots, they looked fab, thank you for your support. We hope you have a nice weekend.
EYFS PE notice for term 2:
PE days will be on Tuesdays and Fridays. Children to come into school wearing their PE kits.
Please note, no PE kit required on Friday 8th November 2024 as it is the TTRS/Numbots dress up day.
Please ensure they have suitable footwear to take part in PE in the afternoon. Thank you.
Week beginning 21.10.24
This week has been creative arts week. The children have engaged with music, poetry and art. They have been using pencil to draw self-portraits and then used different media to draw a close up of the human eye. We shared some poems and the children created their own senses poems. The children learned Cauliflowers Fluffy with actions and sang to the children in KS1. Thank you for coming in on Friday to view the children's learning during creative arts week. We had our Harvest service on Thursday and children sang Cauliflowers Fluffy brilliantly in front of an audience. Thank you for your kind donations which will go to the Juice Project. This week the children have been introduced to four new sounds g, o, c and k and the tricky word is. Supporting materials have been sent home in reading folders and can be found on our webpage. Please help the children to consolidate the phonemes taught so far. We hope you have a lovely half term break. See you on Monday 4th November 2024 for term 2.
EYFS notice:
To celebrate the children's learning during creative arts week you are invited into Pear/Apple Class to view their work on Friday 25th October 2024 at 3.25pm.
Week beginning 14.10.24
This week the children have been introduced to four new sounds i, n, m and d. Supporting materials have been sent home in reading folders. Please help the children to consolidate the phonemes taught so far. In maths, the children have been comparing number using the language of more and fewer. On Wednesday we had an Understanding the World (History) Day. The children learned about Rosa Parks and her bravery for fairness. The Bristol Bus arrived at school and the children went on board the special artefact. They engaged with different activities during the day which you can view in our photo gallery - Black History Month. Monday 21st October 2024 is an Inset Day, the school is closed to children. Week beginning 22nd October we have a creative arts week (art, music and poetry). At 3.25pm on Friday 25th October 2024 you are invited into your child's class to view their learning from the week. We hope you have a nice weekend.
Week beginning 7.10.24
This week we began our phonics teaching. The children have been introduced to four new sounds s, a, t and p. Supporting materials have been sent home and added to our 'teaching and learning' tab. Please help the children to consolidate the phonemes taught. In maths, the children have been building on their subitising skills and have been exploring part-whole relations. For example, three and one makes four and two and two makes four. On Tuesday the children had their individual school photos and on Wednesday siblings had their photos taken. On Thursday we supported world mental health day by wearing some yellow and engaging with activities to promote our well-being. At the end of the day on Thursday we showcased the children's work as part of our enquiry 'who are we?' Thank you for coming to see our gallery of work and celebrating the children's learning. We hope you have a lovely weekend.
Week beginning 30.9.24
This week the children have been developing their oral blending skills. We have been sounding out words and blending the sounds to read words. Next week we will begin teaching phase 2 sounds. The phonics programme we will be using is called Little Wandle Letters and Sounds. Please see our 'this week' document for further information. We will soon add some resources for you to support your child at home under the teaching and learning tab 'phonics'. In maths, we explored how numbers are composed of 1s and, from this, children began to investigate the composition of 3 and 4. Composing and de-composing numbers involves children investigating part–whole relations. As part of our shape, space and measure theme, the children explored repeating patterns. As part of our enquiry and RE learning the children explored the different groups they belong to and enjoyed drawing their family and friends. We hope you have a nice weekend.
Week beginning 23.9.24
This week the children have been engaging with rhyming activities to consolidate their understanding of rhyme. When listening to stories at home see if they can spot words that rhyme.
In maths, the children have been identifying and making sets as well as looking at sorting rules.
As part of our 'who are we?' enquiry the children have been talking about and drawing their families. During PSED we talked about different feelings and the children enjoyed making glitter calm bottles for their drawers. In RE the children have been thinking about how unique they all are and what makes them special.
On Thursday it was European Day of Languages. The children watched a short video, looked at the flags of the world and then painted their hands to represent this. Check out our artwork to celebrate European Day of Languages under our photo gallery tab. We hope you have a lovely weekend.
Week beginning 16.9.23
The children have completed their first 'full time' week at school. They have done so well to learn the routines. They have enjoyed seeing their buddies at break time and lunch time. The children have attended key stage worship, whole school singing and celebration assembly. In literacy, we have been focusing on rhyme, listening to nursery rhymes, rhyming stories and sorting rhyming words. In maths, the children have been sorting and matching objects and making sets. In RE, we shared the children's special stars and talked about how unique we all are. As part of our 'who are we' enquiry the children have been creating self-portraits using different media. We are looking forward to creating a gallery for you to come and see. We hope you have a nice weekend.
Thank you to those who could attend our welcome to the year meeting. For those who were unable to attend you can find the information we shared in 'letters and information'.
EYFS welcome to the year meeting taking place on Monday 16th September 2024 at 2.30pm.
Week beginning 9.9.24
Thank you for all your support with the children's induction to school and being brave seeing them into school. The children have done so well adapting to the new routines of school and were great having lunch together on Friday. They have enjoyed seeing their buddies and going out to play in the big playground. They have explored the school both inside and outside and spent time in the sensory garden. The children have been getting to know each other and have enjoyed playing alongside each other with the class provision. they have been great artists when painting self-portraits. We are looking forward to creating a display for you to see. On Monday 16th September 2024 we will be holding our welcome to the year meeting at 2.30pm. We look forward to seeing many of you then. Hope you have a lovely weekend.
PE notice:
Pear and Apple class will have PE on a Thursday during term one. This will be led by a sports coach from Up and Under Sports. Please send children into school wearing their PE kit. We kindly ask that footwear does not have laces. Long hair should be tied back. Earrings should either be removed or taped up. Please come and see us if you have any questions. Thank you.
Week beginning 2.9.24
It was lovely to see you all during our school visits to support the children's transition to school. The children have started school really well and have enjoyed exploring their classroom. One group met their Y6 buddies on Thursday morning and the other group will meet their Y6 buddies on Tuesday morning. Our door is always open, so please do come and see us and have a chat anytime. We will communicate with parents/carers on our EYFS webpage and through Evidence Me once all set up. Other communications will come from the school office. Please ensure all forms have been returned and do let us know if any contact details change throughout the year so we can update our records. As communicated in a letter today (please see our letters and information page) our classes have been renamed. Class 1 is called Pear Class and Class 2 is called Apple Class. We will talk about this with the children on Monday. We hope you have a nice weekend and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday. The EYFS Team.