We hope you are all excited about the upcoming residential to Charterhouse. Please check the page below to find out all of the information shared previously. If you would like to have a look or show the children some pictures of Charterhouse to build their confidence then please check out the schools Instagram page. Photos from the Year 5 trip to Charterhouse are still available so you will be able to check out the activities, food and more!
Please come and speak to us if you have any worries or concerns about the residential. Also feel free to send us an email!
Wednesday 25th September
I cannot confirm timings of our departure on the Wednesday yet however last year the coach arrived at around 10am. Children are expected to arrive at normal school time, drop their bags off in the carpark and when the staff arrive in the carpark the children say their goodbyes and head to their classrooms for registration. Once you have dropped your child off, you are welcome to stay until the coach arrives, leave and come back, or say your goodbyes when they head into the classroom.
Once the coach arrives, please can you help to load the cases onto the coach? Rucksacks/day bags need to go with children. When the coach is loaded the children will come out of the classes and say a quick goodbye before getting on the coach.
Children will need a packed lunch for the Wednesday, if your child is typically free school meals please let us know and we can sort a packed lunch. Please ensure their lunch and water bottle is in their small rucksack which they need to take into the classroom (do not put it under the coach).
Medication - Please ensure the medical forms are completed and handed back to Miss Franklin. Medication will be given to our designated first aider on the day, or if you have spare, please take it to the office during the week starting 23rd September.
We will keep you updated on our stay via Instagram. Please follow the school Instagram account to view photos of the residential and to view quick updates/information.
At the beginning of the year a permission slip for photos gets sent home. Following last years permission, there are currently a few children who do not have permission to be on Instagram. If you are unsure and would like your child to be included in the photos please speak to Miss Franklin. Alternatively, if you do not want your child to be posted on Instagram please also speak to Miss Franklin.
The Instagram is a closed account and therefor only people with a connection to St Annes are accepted and allowed to view the photos. You will have to request to follow and will be accepted once we recognise a relation to a student at St Annes.
Friday 27th September
On the Friday we will keep you updated with our travels. We will use the school Instagram to give you updates on leaving times and when we aim to arrive back at school. A text will also be sent out to parents from the office.
- Please ensure everything is labelled (clothes, camera, torch, hats, shoes). This will ensure everything gets back its rightful owner. The past few years we have returned home with bags of unclaimed clothing!
- The children do not need wellies as Charterhouse provide them. Please pack long socks though!
- One suitcase/duffle back - a carry on suitcase is a perfect size.
- A small rucksack/day back/small drawstring bag - The children only need it for their packed lunch, water bottles and souvenirs.