Information for Term 3
PE Days
Tuesday indoor PE (Gymnastics)
Friday outdoor PE (Fundamentals)
Forest School Days
Elm Class:
07.01.25- Group A
14.01.25- Group B
21.01.25- Group A
28.01.25- Group B
05.02.25- Group A
13.02.25- Group B
25.02.25- Both Groups
04.03.25- Both Groups
11.03.25- Both Groups
Sycamore Class:
09.01.25- Group A
16.01.25- Group B
23.01.25- Group A
30.01.25- Group B
07.02.25- Group A
15.02.25- Group B
Welcome back!
We are very much looking forward to welcoming you back on Tuesday 3rd September. We hope you have enjoyed a wonderful summer and we look forward to hearing all about it upon your return.
Here are some key pieces of information including PE, Swimming and Forest School days and dates.
Best wishes,
The Year 4 Team
Term 1 Information:
Please come to school wearing correct PE kit (no football kits, bright clothing, branded sports wear) with long hair tied back and earrings removed.
Class 9 and 10 - Tuesday
We will continue swimming in Term 1. Please can children bring their swimming kit to school. It really helps if all uniform, swimming costumes and towels are named as items are frequently lost in the changing rooms.
Class 9 and 10 - Wednesday
Forest School
Forest School sessions will take place on the following dates. Each class has been split into two groups - A and B. You will be told which group your child is in via a note home from us early this week.
Class 9 - Tuesdays -
Group A: September 10th and 24th and October 8th . Then December 10th.
Group B: September 17th and October 1st. and 15th. Then December 17th.
Class 10 - Thursdays -
Group A: September 5th and 19th and October 3rd. Then December 5th.
Group B: September 12th and 26th and October 10th. Then December 12th.
Please bring Forest School clothing to school in a named bag including wellies (or change of shoes e.g. old trainers in dry weather), waterproof coat, change of clothing (must have long sleeves and legs even in mild weather), hat/sun hat as appropriate.
Staff in Year Four:
Class 9 - Teachers: Miss Gorvin
Class 6 - Teacher: Mrs Kulbacki (Monday to Wednesday) and Mrs Davis (Wednesday to Friday)
Teaching Assistant for both classes: Mrs Faunt
Year 4 Reading Assistant: Mrs Vinnicombe