Happy New Year and welcome back to Term 3.
We hope that you are all looking forward to an exciting new enquiry topic this term 'Where does our food really come from and how big is your footprint?' For this fascinating enquiry, we will be working as geographers, philosophers and scientists learning about food provenance, how it is grown, reared, caught or processed and comparing the physical and human geography conditions for food production and distribution.
If any parents or carers have any expertise or have a career within this area, please come and talk to us about sharing your expertise as we welcome the opportunity for visitors to come into school to talk to the children.
P.E. and Games.
Indoor P.E. (Gymnastics) will be on Monday afternoons.
Outdoor Games (Basketball) will be on Thursday afternoons whatever the weather so please come dressed in suitable clothing for the field or playground in the wet and cold. Please no football kits, bright clothing, branded sports wear. Long hair must be tied back and earrings removed or taped.
Term dates
Monday 2nd September 2024
Monday 21st October 2024
Monday 6th January 2025
Monday 21st July 2025
Tuesday 22nd July 2025
Exciting School Visit
The African Youth Choir are a Ugandan choir and band who are visiting SBL on Monday 25th November. We have been invited to attend a concert involving the band at SBL on Monday afternoon and will be walking to the site so please can you ensure that all children come dressed in appropriate wet weather clothing and school uniform. This performance will run from 2:00-2:30 pm so the children will be back at school in time for going home as usual.
Thank you
The Year 6 Team
Hello Year 6,
We hope that you and your families had a good break and you are ready for the exciting term ahead.
Welcome back to Term 2 where, in our enquiry, we will be historians and engineers learning about and comparing the Stone, Bronze and Iron Age engineering feats with the Victorians.
Indoor PE Monday pm.
Outdoor Games Thursday pm.
Important dates for Term 2
Road safety workshop on 7th November (Maple) and 25th November (Holly).
Friday 8th November - Times Table Rock Stars Day (Dress as your inner rock star!)
Tuesday 12th November - Odd Socks Day
Tuesday 12th November - Parent Consultations
Thursday 14th November - Parent Consultations
Forest Schools on 14th November (Holly) and 21st November (Maple).
Monday 18th November - Book at Bedtime
Thursday 28th November - Non-uniform Day
Monday 9th December 1:45pm - Christmas Production
Tuesday 10th December am Trip to Lifeskills Centre, Bristol.
Wednesday 11th December 6:00pm - Christmas Production
22.10.24 Reminder :
There is a camp meeting for Year 6 pupils and parents straight after school in Maple Class. All parents and children welcome.
Hello Year 6!
We hope that you have all had a fantastic summer holiday with your family and friends, a good rest and are ready for the exciting year ahead. We are looking forward to welcoming you back on Tuesday and to hear all about what you have been doing over the summer.
Please check below for some important information about the term ahead.
See you soon
The Year 6 Team
Important dates for Term 1
Monday 2nd September - INSET DAY
Tuesday 3rd September - Children back to school
Essential Information for Term 1
PE Days
Please can you ensure that your child comes to school in the correct PE kit (no football kits, bright clothing, branded sports wear) with long hair tied back and earrings removed. Please can tape be provided if your child cannot remove their own earrings.
Class 13 Thursday afternoon
Class 14 Thursday afternoon
Year 6 has Swimming in Term 1.
Class 13 Monday afternoon
Class 14 Monday afternoon
Please can you ensure that your child comes to school with a swimming costume, a towel and no earrings. Please contact the office or send a note if your child is unable to swim.
Forest School
Please ensure your child arrives at school with the correct kit. Appropriate old clothing is necessary along with a change of footwear. Long trousers and long sleeves should be worn even in hot weather due to brambles, stinging nettles and tics! Welly boots are ideal but old trainers are fine - children must have a change of footwear for school.
Dates for Forest School Thursday 5th September both classes.
Class 13 14th November.
Class 14 21st November.
Staffing in Year 6
Class 13 Miss Cox
Class 14 Mrs Page, Mrs Schlick
Mrs Phillips to support in both classes
Mrs Shere Reading Assistant
Mrs Cryer teaching assistant