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St Anne's CE VC Primary School Respect Responsibility Friendship Excellence

School Closure Procedure and Learning

In case of an emergency in which the school has to be closed at any time (due to severe weather etc), the below information details the procedures that school will follow once a decision is reached to close the school:


1. County website -The Headteacher will contact the Local Authority about details of the school closure. The information about school closure will then be placed on the Local Authority's website: School closures | BETA - South Gloucestershire Council 

2. You will be contacted by text message via Teachers2Parents using the contact telephone number we have registered with the school. An email will also be sent with information including how to access learning.


3. School Website – We will also update our school website to provide any additional information


We will endeavour to provide as much notice as possible of any school closure. This is of course difficult on the first day of closure due to snow, however should the school have to remain closed for more than one day we will normally advise parents by 5pm. This will allow parents sufficient time to make arrangements for the following day.

We would ask parents to avoid phoning the school during extreme weather but to rely on the websites. During closures we have always managed to maintain a skeleton staff, but the few staff who do arrive at school are usually fully occupied manning the telephones and clearing paths.


While we will endeavour to keep the school open, it is important to be well prepared. 

School Closure - Day 1 Learning:


1) Please practise your times tables or number facts using your TTRS or Numbots logons:

Times Tables Rock Stars – Times Tables Rock Stars

Numbots Game


2) Use your logon to access Spelling Shed and complete some practise spelling activity games:

EdShed Web Game - Spelling Shed and MathShed


3) Go to Pobble and write a description of the image:

Pobble 365


4) For more activities, see the documents and ideas below:

