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St Anne's CE VC Primary School Respect Responsibility Friendship Excellence

Year 2 Willow/Elder Class

Term 3 information:

PE days: Tuesday (outdoors) and Thursday (indoors)

Forest School days (Elder and Willow): Tuesday 7th Jan, Tuesday 14th Jan and 21st Jan

Term 2 Information:


Willow Class - Outdoor PE Tuesdays, Indoor PE Thursdays
Elder Class - Outdoor PE Tuesdays, Indoor PE Thursdays



Welcome back!


We are very much looking forward to welcoming you back on Tuesday. We hope that you have all had a fantastic summer holiday with your family and friends and we can't wait to hear all about it!

Please check below for some important information about the term ahead.   

See you soon,

The Year 2 Team


Term 1 Information:


Please come to school wearing correct PE kit (no football kits, bright clothing, branded sports wear) with long hair tied back and earrings removed.

Willow Class - Monday afternoon

Elder Class - Monday afternoon



We will continue swimming in Term 1. Please can children bring their swimming kit to school.

Willow Class  - Wednesday morning

Elder Class - Wednesday morning


Forest School

Forest School sessions will take place on the following dates.
Willow Class - Tuesdays - September 10th, 17th and 24th and October 1st.

Elder Class - Thursdays - September 12th, 19th and 26th and October 3rd.

Please bring Forest School clothing to school in a named bag including wellies, waterproof coat, warm clothing (must have long sleeves), hat/sun hat as appropriate. 


Staff in Year Two:

Willow Class - Teachers: Mrs Pearce (Monday) and Miss Seek (Tuesday-Friday), Teaching Assistant: Mrs Maydew

Elder Class - Teacher: Miss Kennedy, Teaching Assistant: Mrs Mills

Year 2 Reading Assistant: Miss Kingston (Monday-Tuesday) 
